Chapter 3766 Two Dogs catching fish

As time went by, the orientation of the moon was constantly changing, and the cloud had to constantly adjust the orientation of the chopper, so that she could always see the figure on the stone wall.

However, there is still no way to see it in the end. This is an urgent need to hit the wall, but there is no better way.

She had to comfort herself. When she continued to look at it tomorrow night, she would definitely see the moves behind her.

However, by the evening of the next night, there was no way for her to adjust the position of the chopper to see the figure on the stone wall!

After three days, Hei Xinji thought of countless ways and still could not see the figure on the stone wall.

The second dog said weakly: "The little fairy, maybe not the problem of light, will the ghost come out only on the full moon night?"

At the beginning of the cloud, she was really clever and confused. The two dogs said that it makes sense. It is very likely that only the shadow of the full moon night will appear. It is useless for her to toss now.

Suddenly there was an idea at the beginning of the cloud. Could it be that the unnamed founder accidentally discovered the sword above the cliff in this pool, so he built the cave to hide his eyes and ears?

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt that my thoughts were more reliable. The moves used by Ouyang’s head apparently evolved from the moves on the cliff. Maybe the unnamed founder created the nameless after learning the swordsmanship on the cliff. Sword school.

Why is it called the Unknown Sword, not because he does not know the name of the sword? !

However, there is still a doubt, that is why the water pool occasionally reflects the light, is it really the relationship of the occasional cloud?

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t think about it. The question that is now in front of her is, is it waiting for another month here to find a way to go up or find other ways to go out?

Waiting for the last month is obviously not realistic. On the edge of the pool, there is only a small piece of land where she built the stone. It is almost mad for her three days!

If you climb up, you can't do it. If you have a high risk, you may still be trapped on it. So, it's better to find another way out, or else you can make a hole in the mountain wall?

However, this can only be dug out in the monkey year, this is to catch up with Yugong Yishan!

When the clouds were sighing in the pool, the two dogs were excited and said: "Fish! Fish! Little fairy has fish!"

The beginning of the cloud has not slowed down, and I saw two dogs sneak into the water, apparently to catch fish.

At the beginning of the cloud, she frowned. In this pool, she and the two dogs searched for dozens of times, not to mention the fish, not even a water grass. How could the fish suddenly appear?

She also curiously sneaked into the water, only to see that the two dogs were chasing a silvery small fish with a palm, and the small fish swam quickly, and soon it was drilled into the sand and disappeared.

The two dogs are desperately slashed with their claws, and then it is tragedy with the black heart behind it!

The sand suddenly collapsed, and a huge air current struck in, sucking in both the dog and the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, there was only one idea, that is, the stupidity of the two dogs!

The overwhelming water rushed over, and the cloud had a moment to feel that he must be drowned, but the goods suddenly blessed the soul, hey, she still had weeds! She is afraid of a wool! Drinking this pool of water is just that!

As for the two dogs, there is no way, only hope that it can persist until she drank the water!

(End of this chapter)

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