Chapter 3774, playing Lai can not beat

What is even more surprising is that the swordsmanship used in the early days of the cloud is not as good as Wan Pengcheng, and that is only a branch in her hand! And Wan Pengcheng’s hand is a cold sword!

What does this mean? This shows that the swordsmanship of the beginning of the cloud is not a little bit higher than Wan Pengcheng!

Everyone looked at the first move of the cloud, although all the moves and the five elements of the sword are the same, but there are different places.

Although it was only a slight change, it was such a little bit, but it was such a small point that the original slick five-line sword method became fierce, and a hard-working student used a branch to take the cold sword and Wan Pengcheng forced to retreat.

Before Ouyang’s head was handed over with Yunchu, it was natural to see that the sword of this little girl actually improved a lot. Is she really saying? Really got the mention of the unnamed ancestor?

Wan Pengcheng's head is full of cold sweat, and his heart is angry and anxious. He originally thought that he would be able to be ashamed of the snow. Where did he think that he had been forced to use a broken branch by the beginning of the cloud?

If it is passed out, it will become the laughing stock of everyone!

Wan Pengcheng saw the smile on the face of Yunchu, and the impetuous and ruthless movement of the sword, the Jianjian of the Hanguang sword suddenly turned into dozens, respectively, stabbed to the deadly position of the cloud.

All of this happened between the electric and the flint. The place where the cloud and the Wan Pengcheng fight is in the position of the temple near the door, even if the people closest to them are too late to stop.

Ouyang’s head flashed a thought in his heart, and it’s over! The beginning of the cloud must die!

This trick used by Wan Pengcheng is not a seven-star sword, but a broken sword method that only a true disciple can practice! And this trick is the biggest killing weapon of the broken swordsmanship - star!

It is said that Wan Pengcheng is not a true disciple. It should not be a broken sword. It must have been handed over by the elders. Now he used this trick, and infused with spiritual power, the cloud is only nine layers of spirituality, there is no way to escape, she is dead!

Wan Chang’s face is not very good. He privately taught Wan Peng’s broken sword method to let him use his life. I didn’t expect him to use it today.

He was accused of being a trivial matter. What worries him is that Wan Pengcheng’s spiritual power and swordsmanship are not enough to support him to use this singer. Even if he can kill the cloud, he will be countered. It’s too impulsive!

Just when everyone thought that the beginning of the cloud must die, the change suddenly occurred!

The branches of the first hand of the cloud were picked at an extremely smashing angle. Not only did they crack the star, but everyone was forced to see the cold sword in the hands of Wan Pengcheng flew out!

Wan Peng Chengzheng’s martial arts, the branches of Yun’s hand in his hand licked his face, until the branches in his hand were broken, and the remaining half of the branches fell into Wanpeng. Cheng's face.

Wan Pengcheng was ashamed and annoyed, and with the anti-phagosis of the star, a blood spurted out and then fainted.

At the beginning of the cloud, I screamed: "It’s just a waste snack!"

The elders quickly rushed to Wan Pengcheng to feed the medicinal herbs, and looked at the clouds at a glance, but did not say anything.

What can he say, so many people look at it, Wan Pengcheng is not only waste but also does not take care of it. He said that he is also self-deprecating, coming to Japan, and some are the opportunity to kill this stinky girl.

(End of this chapter)

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