Chapter 3784 Small Nine Forged Sword

What I didn’t know at the beginning of the cloud was that at the moment when the fire in the sword was burning, the nameless sword frying pan!

"God! The fire switch of the sword is actually turned on! This shows that someone has entered the sword!"

"Oh, I don't know who is so courageous. What is the difference between this and death?! Know that there is a sword madness in the sword, and it is said that no one has ever lived from it!"

"However, it is said that the sword mad temper is very weird. After many people went in, they were directly shot and killed. It seems that this time it was entered into his eyes. Could it be that the forged swordsman went in? ”


Ouyang’s head also learned the news, but after a thorough investigation, he did not find any disciples. In the end, the ancient elders reminded: “Is the head of the cloud not missing for several days? Will it be inside the sword? That person is her?"

Ouyang head: "..."

All the high schools of the martial art face each other, isn’t it true that when the sword is mad, the sword is not happy when the woman is present? It is said that because the sword **** does not like women, it is strictly forbidden to approach the refining furnace.

It is because of this that the forged swordsman of the unknown sword school will not let the woman approach the refining furnace for a long time. How can he now leave the little girl in the cloud?

This hate in the heart of the elders!

Originally thought that the stinky smuggle fled, and by the time, he killed her with a little bit of hands and feet, did not expect to enter the sword?

However, she has not been able to live for a long time in the sword, and the patience of Jian Mad is very poor. If she does not move, she will kill the disciples who have entered, so even if many forging swordsmen are mad at the sword, they have not dared for many years. Go in again.

The elders speculated that yes, the patience of Jian Mad was really exhausted!

There is no basis for the black-hearted nine-point forged sword. After the iron ore is thrown in, the self-satisfaction of the fart is self-satisfied, and almost mad at the sword!

However, he considered that no one had come in for a long time, and his spirit was already very faint, and maybe it would be dissipated someday, so he decided - forbearance.

Finally, Black Heart Nine calcined the ore into an iron block under the guidance of Jian Mad, and then the sword was smashed.

The hammer that beats the sword blank has a lot of weight. The black heart is hammered a few times and you don’t want to smash it: "Sword mad seniors, is this almost enough?! You see this has become a sword shape! You can't take it anymore." Is it a flower?!"

Sword mad looked at the piece of sword like a big cake, almost mad!

The roar of violent thunder: "You give me a thousand honesty, less nonsense!"

The black heart was shackled and narrowed, and he said, "Hey, hey, what?" one, two, three..."

Sword mad seeing the beginning of the cloud, the beginning of the smashing of the sword, this only slightly disappeared, but soon almost stunned!

Because a certain number is such a number: "one, two, three, nine, fifteen, eighty, two hundred, two hundred three, three hundred..."

"You, shut up for me! Can't count?!"

"Sword mad predecessor, you are right! I really don't know how many! Or else I am, you give me count?"

Swordsman's gnashing teeth, meditation in his heart, finally come in a gasping, patience, must be patient.

So, the sword mad in the side of the number of teeth, the black heart nine smashed the hammer began to beat the sword billet, this goods squatting in the heart and vomiting, this is not a human life!

Continue at five o'clock, add one more today, don't stop the monthly ticket, vote, vote, vote!

(End of this chapter)

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