Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3807: Receive martial arts supplies

Chapter 3807, receiving martial arts materials

The beginning of the cloud is almost speechless to the two dogs, how is the courage of these two goods getting smaller and smaller? !

At the beginning of the cloud, he took out the yard and was planning to go to the No. 9 forging sword hall. He did not expect to encounter Zhuge Dong in the middle of the road.

Although Zhuge Dong passed the news in the morning and the beginning of the cloud, he still wanted to see it with his own eyes. Now I can see that the cloud is alive and kicking.

"Yun Shimei, just today is the first day, let's go, I will take you to the sects of the foreign disciples."

Before the beginning of the cloud, I listened to Zhugebei because they didn't complete the task, so the martial arts were always deducted. She was really curious about what the so-called martial arts had.

So, Yunchu started to follow Zhugedong to the chores.

Soon, Yun Yunyi received his own martial art materials. It turned out to be only two bottles of medicinal herbs with a label on it.

Yunchu knows that the nine-pointed Ling Dan is a twenty-seven-level medicinal herb. Although it has not been refining, it does not think that this thing has any precious things.

The goods whispered a word: "I thought it was a good thing, even two bottles of broken things?!"

Zhuge Dong’s eyes twitched and smashed, broken things? The outside disciples are breaking their heads because of this nine-turning spirit!

At the beginning of the cloud, it was noticed that Zhuge Dong did not lead the door to send materials. He curiously asked: "Dong, brother, why don't you get it?"

"The martial arts materials of our forged swordsmen are not collected at the chores, but are collected at the management office of Jianchi." Zhuge Dong is a bit embarrassed, and he does not know whether the martial arts will be distributed in full this month.

Since the last time the big kitchen knife swallowed half of the sword light, Black Heart Nine has not dared to go to the vicinity of Jianchi because of guilty conscience. After listening to Zhuge Dong’s words, I feel that I have to go to the edge of Jianchi to confess, so this goods accompanied Zhugedong. Jianchi.

Zhuge Dong went to lead the door to send materials, and the black heart nine is to the side of the sword pool.

This cargo looks like the sword pool of the past glory, the conscience is a little painful, it is estimated that this sword pool will be restored to the past, at least to throw a nearly 100,000 swords into it, all rely on the greedy knife!

When Yunchu was repenting on the edge of Jianchi, Zhugedong looked ugly and greeted her to leave.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the look of Zhuge Dong. I couldn’t help but ask: "What happened to the East Brother?"

Zhuge Dong said with some anger: "The governing hall of Jianchi has deducted more than half of our martial arts materials. It is really deceiving too much!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I frowned. "Why are you deducting your martial arts materials? Didn't you complete the task last month?"

"They said that the other forging martial arts did not complete the task because the ground fire had a problem, and we had no problem with the No. 9 forged martial arts fire, so we must deduct the martial arts materials."

"East brother, can you not tell them that the disciples of other forged swordsmen are more than the number of forging swords on the 9th?"

Zhuge Dong smiled bitterly: "I naturally said it, but the person in charge of the church said that if we did not consider that we had fewer people in the No. 9 forging martial arts hall, we would directly take us out of the No. 9 forging sword hall."

At the beginning of the cloud, her eyes blinked, and there was some fire in her heart, but she thought that it was not a big deal to deduct some martial arts materials. Moreover, the five buns of Zhugetang and East and West were not rebellious, and she did not want to Competing.

So, she did not say anything, ready to follow Zhugedong to leave Jianchi, go to the No. 9 forging sword hall to see a few others.

(End of this chapter)

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