Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3819: Ghost catching (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 3819. Ghost Hunting (seeking a monthly pass)

Li Zhuangzhi slowed down for a while, then removed the body ants and red marks on the ground and comforted himself. Coincidence must be coincidence.

However, in the middle of the night, even though he tried to open his eyes, he finally fell asleep and dreamed of the demon again.

This time, the devil was in front of him, and he gave his life to the food, and he was shocked and screamed.

He shivered in the room until dawn, and opened the door to see the large pieces of blood in the yard, directly fainting the past.

After Li Zhuangzhi woke up, he ran to the Discipline Hall regardless of his care.

"Song Guanwu, Song Guanshi, I revoke the complaint against Yunchu, you, let me release it!"

Song Guan looked at the pale and savvy, and his face was so arrogant. Is this sick? Before you die, you have to severely punish the cloud, why do you now run over to the cloud?

Li Zhuangzhi saw Song’s management not snoring, and repeated requests were sent to Song’s management.

Song’s management can’t help but be amazed. What is going on?

However, since the plaintiff revoked the complaint and it was only the grievance between the two of them, he naturally would not stop it, and immediately let people release the cloud from the bitter cold hole.

After the cloud came out of the bitter cold hole, Dada went to his yard.

Halfway, I encountered a chapter.

Zhang left the dream beast to the cloud, and left without saying anything. Obviously, he did not intend to have a deep relationship with Yunchu.

At the beginning of the cloud, she shrugged her shoulders. She had a bait in her hand. She was not afraid that this chapter would not be hooked afterwards. Let him hit the wall first.

After the cloud came back to the murderous house, the dream beast was given a lot of efforts, and the cloud gave it a few words, and the goods immediately stopped.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw it all over the place in the murderous house, but I did not find any abnormalities.

At the beginning of the cloud, she finally made up her mind that she would not sleep at night. She would have to look at what the ghosts are!

So, at night, the cloud was sitting on the stone bench in the yard with his eyes open, and the two dogs were squatting with their claws and clasping the legs of the cloud.

"Little fairy, baby is scared! Scared the baby! You put the baby into the beast bag! The cat scorpion is bold, you can let it out!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I took a look at the two dogs and thought that it was a bigger part of the game. She didn’t believe that the two dogs were really afraid of ghosts!

However, it is ok to put the cat scorpion out, just try it.

So, the beginning of the cloud put the cat scorpion out.

The cat scorpion simply hates two dogs! This **** horrible, he is guilty of sin, and it is not a thing to drag it down!

The two dogs saw the cat scorpion flashing and resentful eyes, swaying his tail proudly, although this cat scorpion hate, but the ability is good, there are some insurance.

Because it was the beginning of the month, the moon in the sky was just a thin crescent, and the yard was very dark, adding a bit of horror.

The second dog said: "Small, little fairy, are you not a night pearl? Fast, come out!"

The cat scorpion said with no anger: "Are you stupid?! If it is as white, will that thing appear?!"

Both of them are quarreling with the gods, so the courtyard is very quiet. At this moment, the courtyard door is ringing...

Eighth, continue tomorrow at noon. Rolling up and selling tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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