Chapter 3822 Zongmen Mission

Jia Renyi spent a lot of martial art contribution points, so that several disciples in the medical center helped him to see the doctor. However, all the people said that except for some trauma, his body was as usual, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Jia Renyi must cry: "I am really poisoned! How can I have nothing?"

The disciples of the medical center glanced at him with a sly look, and no one took care of him.

Jia Renyi had to leave the medical hall with a sad face. He was stopped by Luo Hai when he first arrived at the Jiantang: "I heard that you were crying and screaming by the sinister ghost last night, you waste! Can you install the ghosts?"

Jia Renyi only explained a few words, but he subconsciously concealed the poison and the first thing that he let him live in at night.

Luo Hai took a foot and took a few wastes, then turned and left.

Jia Renyi raised a bit of resentment in his heart. This Luo Hai and the one who was in Boping did not bully him.

The last time he took the task of picking up the second floor of the Golden Pavilion, he wanted to go to Wan Shishu to invite the work, but let Luo Hai and Yu Bo give up. Later, Yun Yun’s come back and jumped, I heard that they both It was really alive to be cleaned up by Master Wan Shi!

In the evening, Jia Renyi was very restless in his residence. Should he go to the murderous house?

At this moment, he felt that Dan Tian was indifferent and could not help but look pale. It seems that the first thing that Yun said is true. The poison she gave him is really an exclusive secret medicine!

In the end, Jia Renyi still grinds and smashes to the murderous house. After all, compared with the death, how can it be better if it is ruined, not to mention that it may not be really mad!

When the two dogs saw Jia Renyi coming over, they couldn’t help but see the dog’s eyes and finally found the fun toys!

Jia Renyi is a **** mold!

He was shackled by the two dogs in the yard, and it was just a life to die!

For a few nights, Jia Renyi lived in the courtyard of Yunchu, and there was nothing unusual except for the non-adults who were tortured by the two dogs.

At the beginning of the cloud, he also specifically let him compare himself with the sword, and did not find any abnormalities, and she did not feel the sudden killing of her own. What is going on?

If the average person has such a hidden worry, I am afraid that it is not good to eat well, but the black heart is very ambitious. After pondering for a few days, there is no progress, and it is left behind.

On this day, Black Heart Jiu was practicing in the house, and the identity jade card trembled.

After she probed into the gods, she discovered that it was the news from the rewards hall, and let all the foreign disciples go to the reward hall to receive the sacred door mission.

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help but lick my mouth. The unknown swordsmanship is really shrewd. Although the disciples and the inner disciples can receive the martial arts materials on time, one thing is really annoying, that is, the gantry missions are done every once in a while, and Can't refuse.

If it is completed, there will be corresponding rewards. If it fails, it will be punished. If it is serious, it will be directly reduced to a servant. Therefore, all Zongmen disciples will do their best when performing the Zongmen mission.

This is also why many disciples are willing to be forged swordsmen, because the sacred missions of the forged Jiantang disciples will be reduced by more than half, compared with the ordinary outside disciples, naturally a little less risk.

At the beginning of the cloud, I sneaked into my heart and slowly walked to the bounty hall. Anyway, there were so many foreign disciples, and I couldn’t finish the task for a while. It didn’t matter if I was late in the morning.

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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