Chapter 3834 is good to die

While Luo Hai’s four people were desperate, they also realized that these monsters seemed to be listening to the beginning of the cloud. Luo Hai shouted at the beginning of the cloud:

"Yun Shimei, I am wrong! I am wrong! As long as you spare me, I will promise you what conditions!"

"Yeah, Yunshimei, we were just joking. You let these monsters stop!" Yu Bo also shouted.

Wu Dali and Qian Chao were repenting, almost crying and shouting: "Yun Shimei, we are all blinded by them, we are wrong! You spare us!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I said faintly: "I saved you, but you want to report your enemies. Do you still have your New Year? Don't meet me in the next life, or I will kill you!"

Those monsters have been hungry for many days, whether they are driven by instinct or by the beginning of the cloud, anyway, they soon ate Luo Hai four people...

The eyes of the cloud were cold and looked at Zhao Hui three people. Zhao Hui immediately said: "Yun Shimei, Luo Hai four people were killed by Zhuang Ding of Luoyan Mountain Villa, it is really sad."

Tao Zhong also said on the side: "Yes, they are also dead."

Although Mu Jiang is a man of honesty, he is not really stupid. He quickly said: "Yes, yes, it’s good to die, it’s good to die."

Cloud early: "..."

However, Mu Jiang said this, but it made the atmosphere ease a few points. The first thing in the cloud was to let those monsters destroy the evil squad, and then said to Zhao Hui and others: "I can't help, if they don't die, There is disagreement among our ranks, and it is even harder to escape.

You have also seen that although there are a lot of people and monsters trapped here, most of them have no possibility of surviving. There are only two hundred monsters that can help us to rush out together.

It is estimated that Sima Zhuang will soon find an abnormality, and people will rush in. Do you have any good countermeasures? ”

Mu Jiang scratched his head: "Yun Shimei, my brain is stupid, what do you do if you say what to do."

Although Tao Zhong did not speak, obviously there is no way.

Zhao Hui thought about it and said: "Yun Shimei, although there are thousands of people in this mine, but because we don't know what happened here, we may not be surrounded by exports at the same time. It is better for us to beat them by surprise. When the export is opened, we will rush out.

After rushing out, in order to avoid the setting of the Luoyan Mountain Villa, we ran in the opposite direction. As long as we were able to use the place, we could inform Zongmen. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, Zhao Hui felt that it was reasonable to say that he nodded.

At this point, the monsters have already destroyed the evil squad. At the beginning of the cloud, the earthy monsters who fight the skin and thick flesh are standing at the front, and then the fire and the wind beasts stand around, as for the four of them. Stinky face stood in the middle.

Although the monsters are very wrong in their hearts, there is no way. After all, their lives are saved by these human beings, and they have to rely on them to escape.

After a while, the exit was opened from the outside.

Just as the light from the outside came in, the earthen monsters rushed to the brain, and then the clouds and other people and the other monsters rushed out.

Although Sima Zhuang and others felt that things were different, they did not expect to encounter such a situation. When the reaction came, the four people and the monsters had already rushed out of the mine.

There is also a chapter, after finishing writing.

(End of this chapter)

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