Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3867: Soldiers are not deceived

Chapter 3867 is not deceived

The first time the cloud was about to refuse, the ancient elders said with a smile: "At the beginning of the cloud, it is your privilege to get the advice of the owner of the dusty house. Don't you thank the owner?"

Thank you for your eight generations!

At the beginning of the cloud, this gas is mad, but there is no way, so I nod my head.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was afraid that I would kill when I tried it, so I didn’t dare to take the sword, but I didn’t dare to take a big knife. I just took a branch from the storage ring.

The elders and other people looked like a slap in the face, this cloud is the first time when the cloud and the squatting test are too big. Now, it’s too much to use the branches with the dusty lord, which is too self-effacing!

However, too, even if she took the sword of the gods, it would not be the opponent of the dusty lord. Besides, the dusty lord would not hurt her.

The dusty lord smiled and said to Yunchu: "Xiaojiu, can you lend a branch to this seat?"

At the beginning of the cloud, the bite passed the back molar and handed it to a branch of the dusty lord. Then he said, "It’s inevitable that you don’t know how to deal with it. If you hurt you, don’t rely on me!"

The owner of the dusty faint smile: "If you can let you out, it is worthwhile if you are injured."

The silver snake in the cuffs of the beginning of the cloud, the whole snake of the gas will be blown up! In front of his face, his woman, this is the provocation of red fruit! Is it a test? well! Walking!

At the beginning of the cloud, it was not too mad, and immediately raised the branches and stabbed the former heart of the dusty owner.

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t see how the owner of the dusty house moved. The owner of the dusty house had already arrived behind her. She was very embarrassed and jumped to the side, barely hiding the branches of the dusty lord.

At the beginning of the cloud, it seems that there is no way to compete with the blue dust with the five elements of the sword, unless it is the half of the sword that she learned on the stone wall, but if it is made, I am afraid there will be trouble.

As the saying goes, the layman looks at the excitement, the insider looks at the doorway, and Huang Zongzhu and others are the great powers of the North Continent. Naturally, it can be seen that the gap between the beginning of the cloud and the dusty owner is in the heart.

There was no way for the beginning of the cloud, so I had to use the three tricks that had already been made public. Not to mention, these three moves had some effect, and temporarily blocked the sword of the dusty owner.

However, after three moves, Yunchu once again fell into a dilemma.

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t beat it anyway, and I simply lost it.

As a result, the beginning of the cloud revealed a flaw, and the branches of the dust-collecting lord stabbed her on the lap. Although she did not use the spiritual power, and the owner of the dust-collected family also received some strength, the cloud was still a glimpse. Falling down on the ground.

The owner of the dusty hurriedly jumped to the side of Yunchu, and reached out to help the cloud.

Just when his hand was about to reach the beginning of the cloud, the silver light flashed through the cuffs of the cloud, and the dusty screamer screamed, licking the **** right hand, and stepped back a few steps.

Everyone was shocked by this change, and even the beginning of the cloud was a surprise. Although she didn't see too much about what was going on, she could guess it. It should be that the little color dragon hurt the owner.

Her eyes turned, pretending to take a dagger from the cuff, and proudly said: "How? This is not a deceit, you lost?"

When the elders saw this, they could not help but anger and anger: "In the beginning of the cloud, you dare to hurt the dusty lord, what sin should you sin?!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn't care about it. "I have already said it beforehand. It is inevitable that I will be injured when I discuss it. I will be in the dust." What do you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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