Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3880: The death of Wan Pengcheng's father

Chapter 3880 The Death Cause of Wan Pengcheng's Father

After picking up the task, Zhang Li immediately rushed to the Flame Mountain with his younger brothers.

At the beginning, the chapter was only intended to collect ground fire in the area of ​​ordinary fire beasts, and did not intend to go to the king's fire and beast area.

Their luck was very good. Not only did they collect the fire very smoothly, but they also fortunately saw an ordinary fire beast.

Zhang Li and others are very excited. When Zheng Zhang is planning to return to the unknown swords with his brothers, Wan Qingbo has always mentioned the king's fire beasts intentionally or unintentionally.

In addition, if the nameless swordsman can get the fire of the king's fire beast, then it will definitely be of great benefit to the forged sword. It is simply a great hero of the unknown swordsman. It is a pity that no one has ever dared to try.

Zhang was so proud of himself that he was so arrogant that he was so stunned by Wan Qingbo that he immediately decided to go to the area where the king was in the fire.

The other true disciples are also curious about the king's fire beasts, and they are also very proud of the pride of the sky, immediately hit it off.

On the contrary, Wan Qingbo saw that he was going to go to the area of ​​the king's fire and beasts, and kept discouraging, but his dissuasion was more like a radical approach, which strengthened the determination of Zhang Li and others.

Although Zhang Li and others are not arrogant, they are only looking for temptations in the peripheral areas of the king's fire beasts, and they have not entered the territory of the king's fire.

Unexpectedly, even if they were in the peripheral area, they even attracted three kings of fire, and it was very violent to attack them.

After some fierce killings, only Zhang Li and Wan Qingbo escaped, and the other five true disciples were all killed.

Zhang said that the expression on his face was even more painful. He seemed to see the scene of the five younger brothers’ deaths, even though he had already reacted to it. At the beginning, he was the road of Wan Qingbo, but if it was not his heart. Pride, will not eventually lead to tragedy.

"How did you and Wan Qingbo escape?" asked Yun.

"I have a defensive fairy that Master sent me. This saves a life. As for Wan Qingbo, it may also be because there is something to save on life. After all, the elders are very rich." Zhang said that he was not sure. .

At the beginning of the cloud, she nodded. She suddenly remembered one thing and curiously asked: "I heard that Wan Qingbo is the uncle of Wan Pengcheng. What about Wan Pengcheng?"

" Six years ago, Wan Pengcheng's father died in a mission. At that time, the elders were heartbroken, but fortunately he still had Wan Qingbo and Wan Pengcheng, and then he gradually calmed down."

At the beginning of the cloud, I touched my chin: "Emma, ​​it sounds like this door task is really dangerous! How can someone die because of this?"

Zhang said with a smile: "The practice of cultivating is originally a battle with the sky. Naturally it is very dangerous. It is said that Wan Qingbo is a big life. When Wan Pengcheng’s father was in trouble, he was there at the time, and he was lucky enough to save his life."

At the beginning of the cloud, he curiously asked: "Why did Wan Pengcheng die his father?"

Although Zhang is wondering why Yun Yun’s father was so interested in Wan Peng’s father, he still replied: “I don’t know the specific situation, but it seems that I was also killed by the monster. Finally, I didn’t leave the capital. ”

In the beginning of the cloud, Wan Qingbo escaped twice, and the deceased were killed by the beast. Is this just a coincidence or another mystery?

At the beginning of the cloud, he shook his head secretly. Wan Pengcheng’s father was Wan Qingbo’s brother. How could he harm his brother? ! It must be that she wants more!

(End of this chapter)

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