Chapter 3913 Qi Qilong Dongyu

The crowds of the crowd saw the beginning of the cloud, this time, and even remembered the Lingshi, the heart said that this is really a life-saving!

After Qi Dongqiang transferred Lingshi to Yunchu, he said proudly: "The husband does not change his name and does not change his name, Qi Dongqiang!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"Qi Dongqiang!"

"What Dongqiang?"

"Qi Dongqiang!!!!" Qi Dongqiang almost screamed.

"Ah, what is the name of a broken name is so hard to remember, you just call Qi Bulong winter!" Yunchu said, patted his hand.


It’s a big laugh than the test bench. I have to say that it’s really interesting to talk about this cloud. Hahaha, laughing at the dead!

Qi Dongqiang suddenly became angry and angered, biting his teeth and said: "The beginning of the cloud, you have to play with your mouth, let's see the real chapter!"

Qi Dongqiang’s voice did not fall, and the white wind tiger in the hurricane had already rushed toward the beginning of the cloud. Two giant-winged giant-winged birds rushed to stop.

However, their spiritual power is much lower than that of the white-tailed tiger. It was suddenly repulsed by the wind blade of the white-tailed tiger, and the wings of one of the giant-winged wings were also drenched by the wind. .

Zhao Hui is sinking in his heart, finished! This is only a round, Yun Shimei's spiritual pet is injured, and the result is simply no suspense!

Qi Dongqiang also thinks this way. He said contemptuously: "At the beginning of the cloud, you still have time to admit defeat. Otherwise, if my spiritual pet accidentally kills your two spiritual pets, I will not want to!" ”

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the injured giant-winged bird, and the eyes suddenly flashed a stern color. Is it better than her? Then let you know what is known to be abused!

At the beginning of the cloud, I said coldly: "Qi Bulong Dong Yu, the original words are given to you. If you admit defeat now, I will spare you and your stupidity, or else my dinner today is roast chicken. !"

If you are in the beginning of the cloud, you should export it, let alone Qi Dongqiang, that is, the sudden wind and white tigers are all mad, and you are stupid, your family is stupid!

Qi Dongqiang snorted: "You can't do it!"

He said that the sword would be attacked. However, his movements came to an abrupt end, because the cloud had released a giant bird.

Qi Dongqiang’s face was slightly surprised, but he still said contemptuously: “Three? Even ten are useless!”

At the beginning of the cloud, the hooks were hooked: "Ten are useless? What about the fifteen?"

At the beginning of the cloud, while talking about the giant winged bird, the fierce wings of fifteen glimpses of giant wings made the shadows of the test bench and the onlookers in the shadows.

Qi Dongqiang’s face was a little stiff in an instant. Did the cloud suddenly have fifteen glimpses of giant wings? Is she licking the bird's nest? ! Also, why did she not release it before?

The white wind tiger, which was still very arrogant and arrogant, suddenly became a little nervous. If it was in the wild, it was naturally not afraid of the fifteen demon birds. It could completely use the gap between the terrain and the spiritual power and their surroundings. There are even odds to swallow them into the abdomen.

However, there is no occlusion in this test bench. Those demon birds occupy the advantage of the air. It is equal to passive beating. It is probably not their opponent.

The disciples onlookers are simply frying! There are fifteen glimpse giant wings in this cloud.

Doesn't it mean that every spirit of a contract needs to occupy a part of the gods? She actually contracted fifteen? And is she not a dog? How did she do it?

(End of this chapter)

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