Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3930: You are still quite smart at times.

Chapter 3930, you are still quite smart

The beginning of the cloud is simply arrogant!

Hey, this old monk's relic turned out to be such a fork? I knew this before, when she got out of the fire, she took out this stuff, why bother to scare myself enough!

At this point, the relic has no previous golden light, just faintly seeing a golden glow in the white, thinking that only when there is a killing gas will react.

"Sin, sin, the old monk who has already returned to the West, you don't want to rely on me. I just don't know where the bitter Zen is. If you hear the news, you will be sure to send this relic."

Yunchu bowed to the relic in his hand and asked the silver snake: "Men, how do you think of this relic? I have forgotten this stuff!"

When the emperor saw that the murderous gas had already retreated, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief: "I also heard you say that putting down the knife to become a Buddha, the Zen martial arts have always suppressed the evil spirits in the world, so it is also a dead horse. When living a horse doctor."

At the beginning of the cloud, the relics were put away, and the silver snake was picked up: "Male god, although you are more stupid than me most of the time, but occasionally it is quite smart!"

A deity: "..."

After the black heart smashed a silver snake, this curiously asked: "Right, male god, you just said Zen, how have I not heard of Zen Zen in the celestial continent? What is Zen doing? Is it A group of old monks have nothing to do with the collision clock?"

The silver snake looked at her silently, but explained: "There is no Zen in the Qingtian continent, and it does not mean that there is no Zen in other places.

Zen is profound and profound, but it is not what you said. Moreover, Zen has always been abhorrent, especially against some evil spirits.

If one day you meet a Zen disciple, don't do anything that is ridiculous, otherwise they will use various methods to make you repent and even kill.

Also, the beasts of the two dogs and curls must not be discovered by them, otherwise they will not escape the imprisonment. ”

The two dogs in the spirit beast bag suddenly pumped out, what is it like a beast? How can it hinder the eyes of others? ! What a special thing!

The first thing in the cloud coincided with the idea of ​​the two dogs. She snorted and said: "As you say, what Zen is simply a dog to take care of the mouse!

Do not say anything else, what happened to the two dogs and curls? They are fierce beasts, but in my opinion, they are much better than some good-hearted people! At least their bad light is big! ”

The second dog heard the first words of the cloud, and the moving nose blew a tear. It knew that it chose the right owner. Only such a bad person and its match are a natural pair!

Emperor Beibei itself does not care about some secular rituals, so when I heard the beginning of the cloud, there was no objection, just shouting:

"I just want to remind you of it. Also, although the blue dust can't look down on the big storm, but the power behind him is not something you can provoke. You don't want to provoke him for the time being, honestly in the nameless sword. Practice."

When I heard this at the beginning of the cloud, my heart sank: "Men, listen to what you mean, you have to leave? Don't you, you forgot? You are just a snake now! It is more waste than me!"

A deity: "..."

Very good, he knows, he is a stupid and wasteful presence in the small rogue heart, he will prove to her, how wrong she is wrong!

(End of this chapter)

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