Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3949: Some are ways to clean up her

Chapter 3949 is a way to clean up her

After half an hour, Chen Bufan finally cleared the grass in the yard.

When he was about to leave, he was brought to the roof by a glimpse of a giant winged bird. He had to work hard to clean the weeds on the roof.

I thought it would be fine, and I was thrown into a basin of clean water and a rag and was thrown into the house to clean it.

Chen Bufan’s intestines are completely regrettable!

If he knew that this cloud was so difficult, he would choose another new disciple! I thought she was a good bully, and it was a demon to think of it.

Finally, Chen Bufan finished cleaning.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was very satisfied with the new yard. I have to say that this manual cleaning is cleaner than cleaning.

"Yun Shimei, can I go now?" Chen Bufan asked in a low voice.

"It's okay to go naturally, but you have scared me before, causing tremendous psychological trauma to me, so you have to give me compensation! I think you should be very rich, then one million top grades!"

Chen Bufan almost spurted out of the blood! He still has to compensate her? Still one million? dream!

Unfortunately, in the end, Chen was not suppressed by force!

After paying 100,000 Shangpin Lingshi, he also wrote a 900,000 yuan of the top stone, and then was thrown out of the yard by the big flower.

Chen’s uncomfortable head smashed, biting his teeth and limping away.

Soon, I met a few disciples who were full of enthusiasm. The disciples were shocked to see Chen’s appearance: "Chen Chen, what's wrong with you? Are you not going to clean up the cloud?" What awkward? What about your hair?"

"Yeah, Master Chen, is the drug available? I heard that the cloud was very good at home, did you make a small fortune?"

"Chen Chen, you won't be too happy, so I fell a bit?"


Chen Bufan is crying!

He cleaned up the clouds? Dan medicine to hand? Made a small fortune?

Did he put up 100,000 Shangpin Lingshi? ! Also specially wrote a 900,000 top grade Lingshi owe!

Chen Bufan can't care about losing face now, and said the story: "Some couples, I have suffered a big loss today! We usually have a good relationship, you don't care about your brother?"

The disciples were shocked and stunned. What was the arrogance of the cloud? !

"Chen Chen, you can rest assured, in the morning and evening, I will help you to clean up the cloud and start a meal! What a storm can be raised by a little girl?!"

"Yes, I want to clean up what she has. It's a chance! When the new disciples are brought out by the old disciples, let's find a chance to clean up her!"

"And, is there not an internal door test every month? When you are trying, you can't use the power of the beast to mess things up. When we try to calculate the calculations."


Chen Bufan listened to a few people's words, his face showed a hazy smile, and he said yes, there is a way to clean up the stinky head and walk around!

On the other hand, Yunchu started planting flowers and plants in the yard, and also set up a swing shelf, and the small courtyard instantly became alive.

In the evening, Yunchu squatted on the door to observe the situation outside, and found nothing unusual. His heart was loose. It seems that the murderous gas will only gather in the murderous house and will not come to her again.

(End of this chapter)

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