Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3958: The style of painting is different (seeking a monthly ticket)

Chapter 3958: The style of painting is different (seeking a monthly pass)

For three days, Yunchu was feeding the king's fire beasts. They ate and slept, and they slept. They felt that they had lived a fairy-like day. They hated never to leave.

It’s too greedy to see these gangs at the beginning of the cloud. Before leaving, they warned them: “The people are sinister, especially if you still have a fire, so don’t eat it for other people.”

Also, even if you have a long person like me, you must be careful to avoid being poisoned! do you know? ”

The kings of the fires have turned their eyes, and this little girl is too small to look at them!

If they are bullied, they have already been taken away! Besides, that is, she can get close to them, and if there are other people, there is no way to get close to their territory.

At the beginning of the cloud, they saw their absent-minded appearance. They deliberately took a few lightning bolts and shook them with a big kitchen knife. "Without these two things, it is definitely not me, remember!"

The kings of the fires and the beasts saw the clouds at the beginning and looked serious. They nodded and said they knew.

At the beginning of the cloud, the collected fire was collected, and the sneaked out of the territory of the king's fire beast.

The elders of the East must look forward to seeing them. When they saw the beginning of the cloud, they returned safely, and a stone in their heart finally landed!

The rest of the disciples thought that Yun’s early death was fixed. I didn’t expect her to come back, and they were all amazed.

After the first ceremony of the cloud to the Eastern elders, he smiled and said: "Those fire beasts are not very good temper, but they are still observing the contract. I have already collected the fire. We can return to the sect."

The Eastern elders were shocked and happy, and immediately smiled and led the crowd to return.

On the road, I met other people from the martial art. They saw that the cloud was safe and sound, and they were very surprised. Once they heard that they had successfully collected the fire of the king’s fire, they could not help but be envious.

Of course, some people have other thoughts. Since this cloud can be used to exchange food for the first time, can they also be used?

The beginning of the cloud is naturally to see the minds of these people, and it is too lazy to say that even if they say it, they will only think that their unspoken swordsmen want to eat a single food. If so, why bother? !

On the flight, the first sneak sneaked to the Eastern elders, and the Eastern elders naturally smiled. The impression of the cloud was a bit better.

In the evening of the same day, everyone arrived at the Unknown Swords.

At the beginning of the cloud, he went to the Bounty Court to pay for the fire in exchange for 10,000 sects. This returned to his yard.

However, the goods left a heart, leaving half of the fire in the storage ring, in case of emergency.

As soon as the door was opened, those who had been smashed down from the swing shelf, and wanted to drill into the eyebrows of the cloud, the first sigh of the cloud, holding the relic, said: "Roll! Come close to me, I am chanting!"

After the beginning of the cloud, the heart moved, these A floating, since the fear of relics is really afraid of the monk chanting!

So, this product searched for a few words of the Diamond Sutra, and began to read it, not to mention, those killings suddenly floated back to the swing shelf, no longer in front of her.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was happy. I was going to buy a few Buddhist scriptures in the place where I sold the sundries the next day. I had nothing to do with the two dogs.

Two dogs: "..."

What is it about it? ! Besides, if you don’t attack it, it’s still very fun, so keep it!

Moreover, it is an ancient beast that actually recites Buddhist scriptures? Is this style very different?

Eighth, continue tomorrow, remember to vote for the moon!

(End of this chapter)

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