Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 3987: Want a cloud wing? no way!

Chapter 3987 Want Cloud Wing? no way!

The dark clouds can't wait to get three clouds, so the thunder of this day is very casual, although most of them fall in the courtyard of the cloud, but they are not all in the clouds, so the cloud bears No pressure.

The thunder continued until the middle of the night, and the entire night sky was illuminated by purple lightning!

Rao is a disciple of some schadenfreudes, and some of them are afraid of it. This day, Ray is too horrible. Will it accidentally hurt them after they have finished the cloud? !

Also, this has been smashed for three or four hours. How have you not finished? Was the cloud first dying still not killed?

Finally, the thunder began to sparse, but the pressure still did not dissipate, no one dared to approach the courtyard of the cloud.

The dark clouds trembled with excitement and finally got the cloud wing. It’s great!

However, it waited for a while, and saw the beginning of the cloud below just meditation, not giving her the meaning of Yunyi.

It had to smash the cloud and tremble, but the cloud was still unresponsive.

Wu Yunxin said, is it a dizzy?

It had to lower its height, and it only fell to the height of the roof, and it was a few times against the beginning of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, I opened my eyes and looked at the dark clouds with only the height of the roof. There was a flash of light in the eyes.

It is a pity that the black cloud learned this time, and saw the unscrupulous inside of the cloud, and immediately flew into the air.

This is a regret in the heart of the cloud! But there is no way, he yawned and said: "Sleepy! Since you are finished, then go back, let's see you!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he said that he would get into the house when he got up. The dark clouds were almost out of madness!

What do you call it back? What about its cloud wing? !

The dark clouds smashed into the clouds at the beginning of the cloud, and the cloud looked up at it and then took a shot of it: "Oh, I remembered, you want the cloud wing right?"

The dark clouds trembled, right, yes, this stinky head was just forgotten, and thought she was going to deny it!

At the beginning of the cloud, a small white tooth: "Small clouds, don't say that my sister bullied you, you see, the two that you sent me before are naturally mine!"

Later, the one I turned to had some of your credit, but you broke my swing shelf and it was just used to offset it! So, we don't owe each other, right? ”

For you a big ghost!

What is it for her two cloud wings, obviously she is robbed? !

And your broken swing shelf can compare with the cloud wing? ! It’s too shameful!

The black clouds are going crazy!

This stinky head is clear and stinking! It’s mad at it! Kill her! Today, she must die!

However, the black cloud discovered that its power of thunder and lightning had just been used up, and only part of it was on the stinky head, and the rest was wasted!

It finally found out afterwards that it was special, it was cheated!

The dark clouds are simply crying, and the stinking stunt is too deep! Where is it her opponent? !

When the dark clouds are going crazy, I heard the cloud and said: "Small Yunyun, Miss Sister, I am the softest heart. You are too busy to work. So, after a few days, you will lie to a few clouds and come over. At the time, I promise to give you half of the clouds.

I am talking, if I still lie to you this time, let me be killed by the thunder! ”

The dark clouds are even more angry, and they are killed by the thunder? Is this metamorphosis not dying? !

(End of this chapter)

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