Chapter 3996 is a delicious sea cargo

Hearing the questions of the old fishermen, Li Zhuangzhi nodded, and said with a bit of pride in his tone: "Yes, we have to go to the sea near the blood sand island to search for the golden dragon musk."

When Li Zhuangzhi’s words were exported, whether it was the old fishermen or other fishermen who exclaimed, they all dissuaded: “There are many immortals, blood sand islands are not allowed! A few waves of people went to the blood sand a few days ago. The island has not returned since now, and it has lost its life in all likelihood."

"Yeah, there are many high-order sea beasts near the blood-sand island. Even the sea sands have a lot of sea animals on the island, which is called the Dead Sea."

"Moreover, although some people have survived in the past, but the only ones that have the worst quality are the brown dragon musk, and the immortals still don't go!"


Li Zhuangzhi is very proud of his heart. Wherever he can hear it, the fishermen have shaken their heads, but they are not good to say. They watched Yunchu and others call out the big ship and sailed to the sea.

As soon as I got on the boat, Yunchu began to direct Zhao Hui to stew those seafood!

Soon there was a scent of scent, and Li Zhuangzhi was initially sneer at the side, but as the scent became more and more concentrated, it was somewhat unbearable.

They usually seldom eat the things in the sea in Zongmen, and these seafood goods are unexpectedly delicious, so they can't take care of any face, and they come together to eat together.

Zhao Huisheng is afraid that the cloud will be opposed to it. After all, everyone is now a grasshopper on the rope, and it is better to be more amiable.

However, what surprised him was that the beginning of the cloud did not say anything, but buried in the bitterness, as if he did not see Li Zhuangzhi and others.

Zhao Hui finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said that Yun Shimei still knows the general.

After everyone had a full meal, Li Zhuangzhi and his wife went to the deck to talk and laugh, and did not stay to help Zhao Hui to clean up the tableware.

Zhao Hui smiled and shook his head and began to clean up, but saw that Yunchu took out a small book and wrote and painted on it.

Zhao Hui curiously took a look, only to read: Li Zhuangzhi, ten two-tailed jumping fish, three cracked cockroaches, two giant pliers, Chen extraordinary, eight two-tailed jumping fish, six cracks Hey, three giant pliers...

Zhao Hui’s face is arrogant: “Yun Shimei, what do you remember to do?”

At the beginning of the cloud, he looked at him with the look of an idiot: "Of course, there is evidence of asking for money from them. These goods can be bought by me, at least one hundred times." ""

Zhao Huiyi said: "Then, then I will pay for it?"

"You don't have to, you have the right to use the labor to pay off!" Yunchu said in an understatement.

Zhao Hui: "..."

This Yunshi girl is really a financial fan! However, Li Zhuangzhi and others are uneasy, she still has the opportunity to ask them for money?

At this time, Chen’s extraordinary on the deck was shaking his head and said: “Right brother, there is no such exaggeration in the sea that no one said. We have been driving for a long time, although the wind and waves are really big, but a sea beast is I didn’t meet it, I’m afraid it’s scared to see our big ship.”

The other three people also joined in and out: "Yes, those fishermen still say that there is no return. I see that the waves of people who went before must have low spiritual power, so they will lose their lives."

"Hey, I heard that Long Muxiang is quite expensive. If we are lucky, we can make a big profit in addition to the task assigned to the martial art. This task is too valuable!"


(End of this chapter)

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