Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 4004: How is the dilemma broken?

Chapter 4004 How is the dilemma broken?

When everyone was rushing, there was a **** tree screaming voice on the whole blood sand island: "A bunch of idiots! I am only allowed to enter the blood sand island. When you come, it is natural to Let you come in, want to escape, no way!"

With the sound of blood trees, there are many roots in the ground that have to come out.

To make matters worse, the people found that the spiritual power did not recover. It seems that they can only return to the original beach position to restore their spiritual power.

But now it has been submerged by the sea, and a lot of bloodthirsty iron sharks have gathered, I am afraid that they have to be killed by those bloodthirsty iron sharks before they have recovered their spiritual power.

Li Zhuangzhi’s eyes are red and red. It may be that people will die and their words are good. They said to Yunchu, “Yu Shimei, I used to be my fault. I am not a person. I am sorry for you! If there is a next life, I will make up for it. My fault."

Chen Bufan also said with shame: "Yun Shimei, I, I am sorry for you. If you can still go out alive, I will repay your kindness when I am a cow. But it is a pity that we can't live!"

Although the other three disciples did not say anything, but their faces were also ashamed and difficult. In the face of death, the former grudges seemed so ridiculous, they were simply stupid!

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at them and said, "You know it. After all, there are not many people who complain like me!"

Li Zhuangzhi and others: "..."

The beginning of the cloud did not take care of these five stupidities, if she can choose, she will not save them! Mainly, she and Zhao Hui ghosts made the difference of the wind and waves here, and then saw the bloodthirsty iron sharks around them, so they chose to stay on the island.

Moreover, many people also have multiple helpers, not to mention the sturdy slogan of the tens of thousands of elders. If you can win over the management, it will be a boost.

Just how is the dilemma in front of me broken?

There was a small black cloud inside the package behind her, but she tried, no matter whether it was used at sea or on the island, it must be said that the kitchen knife is more reliable.

At the beginning of the cloud, I blinked. Why can I use spiritual power in the sea? Even the original beach can use spiritual power?

She had a vague idea in her heart, consciously taking everyone to the beach, and saw that the roots of the trees would not extend any further.

Although the bloodthirsty iron sharks can't reach the shallow waters because of their size, they use water arrows to attack the clouds and other people. Fortunately, because of the long distance, the cloud and other personal methods are still flexible, and they are still in a short time. Can cope.

At the beginning of the cloud, my eyes blinked: "Those roots don't seem to like these seawaters, splash them for me!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he used a large kitchen knife to pour the sea water to those roots. Sure enough, the roots that had been splashed by the sea began to shrink.

Li Zhuangzhi and others saw great joy, and desperately poured the sea water to those roots, temporarily forcing those roots, and finally relieved.

Chen Bufan admired and asked: "Yu Shimei, how do you know that those roots must be afraid of sea water?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t sell it. I explained: “I’m just guessing it. Once the roots have to go to the place where there is sea water, they stop extending.

Secondly, I suspect that the original beach can use spiritual power. I am afraid that because the roots of the blood tree must be afraid of the sea water during the high tide, the control range cannot be extended to the original beach. ”

Continue at four o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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