Chapter 4021 摆 阵 阵 摆

The silver-faced man suddenly smiled gloomyly: "Since you recognize it, let you make an understanding of the ghost! This is the command of the elders. If you complain, you will not be able to kill the cloud!"

If you kill the cloud at sea, we will naturally not come out with a lot of troubles. You are really a waste of nothing! ”

Li Zhuangzhi’s face is both awkward and angry. He naturally knows that the elders in the silver-faced man’s mouth are tens of thousands of elders. Because the silver-faced men are as strict as the governors, they are all elders.

His eyes were red and asked: "You, are you not afraid that my father will know the truth?"

The silver-faced man sneered: "How about the truth?! Do you think your father dared to be against the elders?! Also, maybe your father will go down with you soon!"

Li Zhuangzhi’s angry sword was stabbed against the silver-faced man. The silver-faced man did not hide at all. He had already been a man to attack the fierce ambition. If Chen Bufan and others were desperately trying to resist, I am afraid that Li Zhizhi has been killed. .

The silver-faced man snorted and snorted: "You have learned the truth, now go to hell!"

At the beginning of the cloud, she bit her teeth. She felt that the anger in her body had begun to gather. It was just a lack of time for a burst. It was really anxious!

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt that this time I was really fierce, the three scarred cockroaches actually picked up the three swords on the ground and said to the dull cloud: "Sword... Array!"

The sounds of the three baboons are vague, and the clouds are also guessing that they should say that they are swords, and the clouds are stunned at first sight, but when they see the position of the three squatters, they are shocked and they no longer hesitate. Let the 傀儡 4, 5 and the nightmare beast join in, and she occupies the position of Tianshu.

Zhao Hui and others found that the Yunchu 玖 and the 七 摆 are the seven-star sword array, it is simply a fog, not to mention these 傀儡 will not be swords, even if they will be? ! Before, they didn't use the Seven Stars array, didn't they still useless? !

Of course, there are still a few thoughts in their minds, and the three cockroaches will actually speak? The rabbit that looks like a waste will even use a sword?

Of course, these ideas are fleeting, because they and the rest of the spiritual pets have to deal with the enemies that are constantly rushing, and have no time to think about it.

The silver-faced men and those with black masks did not take the swords and the swords that we formed into a thing. Isn't it the Seven Stars? What's so great? !

However, when the sword array worked, they were surprised to find that this does not seem to be a seven-star sword array, because this power is several times stronger than the seven-star sword array.

The power of the attack is soaring, mainly because the defense ability is too abnormal, and there is no flaw in it.

The whole sword array is like a comet that harvests human life. It has killed dozens of people in a moment. It also benefits from the fact that you don’t know how to be tired at all, and the dream beast and the beginning of the cloud are all metamorphosis, and the power of this sword array is again It has been enlarged several times.

The silver man’s original calmness has disappeared. At this time, they have already killed half of the people. If this is deadlocked, it may indeed make these people escape.

Therefore, he immediately directed a part of the manpower to round up Li Zhuangzhi and others. He intends to take Li Zhuangzhi as a hostage, so that he is not afraid of the beginning of the cloud.

(End of this chapter)

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