Chapter 4040

At the beginning of the cloud, Zhao Hui and others all attacked Liao Tao. It is obviously intended to concentrate all the forces and first create one.

Although Liao Tao's spiritual power is higher than any of them at the beginning of the cloud, and the high is not a star or a half, but even if he is even more powerful, it is not the opponent of the seven people in the beginning of the cloud.

Liao Tao was obviously caught off guard, and his companions didn't think it would be such a scene. There was some embarrassment between the moments. When the reaction came, Liao Tao had already hanged up, and the injury was not light, and he basically lost his fighting power.

The disciples onlookers are stunned and play with them. This will abolish one?

Liao Tao swallowed a few medicinal herbs, but it was mad and painful. He almost didn't faint. He said to other companions: "Go, give it to me! It's true!"

At the beginning of the cloud, the other people's efforts were handed over, and Liao Tao, who was in a bad mood, was sent to the test bench.

This is much quieter!

The remaining six people of the Suns saw the attack, and the attack became even more fierce. Although they were missing one person, they still had enough confidence to defeat the seven people at the beginning of the cloud. After all, the power gap was there.

Less than half a quarter of an hour, the first seven people in the cloud clearly fell into the wind, Zhao Hui and others have even hung up to varying degrees.

Duanmu elders shook his head, although this cloud was first used to take advantage of the cleverness, but the strength is still too wide, I am afraid it will be defeated.

Just then, I heard a clear cry from the beginning of the cloud: "Setting up!"

Immediately, the seven people at the beginning of the cloud changed their orientation and formed a seven-star sword array.

The Eastern elders licked their beards and smiled and said: "The little girl is clever. She preemptively abolished one of the poached egg teams. This is because the poached egg team is not enough, or it can only use the power to be inferior to the seven-star sword. There are many five-line sword arrays, and as a result, there are variables."

Elder Duanmu snorted: "Even so, I am still optimistic about the poached egg team."

On the side of them, they were pumping the eyes of the test bench, and the poached egg team? If you don't say anything else, just listen to what they said, and you know that they are talking to the beginning of the cloud.

Seven people in the beginning of the cloud occupied the advantage of the sword array, and the situation changed from one side to the next.

At this point, after Liao Tao took the remedy, he had already slowed down a bit, but he had already been picked up below the test bench. He couldn’t go up again. He was blushing and thick, and shouted at the companion on the stage:

"Knitting your teeth, your spiritual power is much higher than them. After a long time, they will naturally show flaws."

Most of the onlookers agree with Liao Tao's words. Don't look at the two sides now, but as long as the Suns hold on, at most half an hour, the Beidou team will definitely fall into the wind.

Zhao Hui and others are very nervous. Although the previous plans have been successful, the most important thing is the next step. Can this work?

At this moment, the cloud made a gesture at the beginning: "Change!"

Change the array?

Whether it is the opposite of the Sun team or the onlookers, I am very puzzled, and they are going to change their minds at the beginning of the cloud? Is it going to become a five-line sword array? Isn't this a dead end?

Unexpectedly, the cloud first 玖 they actually turned into a five-line sword array, and in the Kaiyang and Yaoguang position, Yunchu and Zhao Hui were abandoned!

(End of this chapter)

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