Chapter 4043 is too shameless

Zhao Hui and others were still in the ecstasy of victory, and now they are dumbfounded.

Li Zhuangzhi said with a gnashing voice: "Liao Tao, you are too shameless! We said good at the time, as long as we win, our rankings are interchangeable. How can you talk without counting?"

Liao Tao's face flashed a guilty conscience, but the usual month is nothing, but this month's ranking is related to the eyes of the sword, and can not care for so much.

So he immediately said: "I have never said that, I mean, if we lose, give you seven million top grade stones."

Li Zhuangzhi will have to say it again, but he listened to Yunchu’s saying: "Well, you are now transferring me seven million Shangpin Lingshi!"

Li Zhuangzhi and other people almost scared the eyeballs fell!

Finished, Yunshimei is crazy again!

Liao Tao and others are almost happy crazy! Haha, this cloud is really an old hat, she certainly does not know the precious places of the eye of the sword, and actually chose seven million top grade Lingshi.

In this case, what are you hesitating? !

So, the seven people of Liao Tao immediately transferred to the cloud at the beginning of a million top grade Lingshi.

Duanmu elders wanted to stop it, but Liao Tao and others were moving too fast. He couldn’t stop it. He suddenly looked ugly. He said that he thought this little girl was a promising one. Now it’s a look. Unexplained financial fans.

At this moment, he saw the beginning of the cloud and smiled and walked over to the test tube thing: "The executives, please re-register us for the ranking information! I am the leader of the Beidou team, so I will replace Liao Tao's sixty Five! As for the number of them, you can check the size!"

The executives are simply a slap in the face. I don’t want to say anything that doesn’t follow the head. Mainly, have you just promised that Liao Tao will not change the ranking? Haven't you all collected seven million top grade stones? !

Liao Tao seven people are also anxious!

Liao Tao said with anger: "At the beginning of the cloud, you have received our Lingshi. Why do you have to change the ranking? You can't talk and count."

At the beginning of the cloud, he spread his hand and smiled lightly: "Is it bad for you?" I said that I received your Lingshi and gave up the ranking?

You are going to give us a Lingshi, I am not stupid, naturally, will not refuse, blame me? ! ”

The seven people of Liao Tao almost didn't get mad at the beginning of the cloud!

At the beginning of the cloud, this is clearly in the pit! And it is still the way to cure others, and it’s too special! It’s shameless!

Li Zhuangzhi and others responded. They just scared them enough, and thought that Yunshimei had another temper!

Liao Tao and others naturally would not eat this dumb loss, and they clamored to put pressure on executives, and wanted him not to change the ranking information for Yunchu.

At this time, the elders of Duanmu had a cough with a pressure, and suddenly the audience was quiet.

"Since the test bench is the default than the test bench, since it is lost, we must keep our promises. If we can't even do this, we will not be worthy of being our disciple."

When Duanmumu finished speaking, the sleeves went straight down and left than the test bench.

The Eastern elders smiled and nodded at the beginning of the cloud, and left the test bench.

The executives naturally did not dare to offend the elders of Duanmu. Besides, Liao Tao and others were unreasonable. Therefore, they quickly helped the Yunchu and others to register for the change of rankings.

(End of this chapter)

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