Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 4047: I put your family husband on the tree (seeking a monthly ticket)

Chapter 4047 I put your family husband on the tree (question for the monthly pass)

When Yunchu was thinking about it, she felt a resentful gaze. She didn't care too much. After all, there were too many people who offended the goods. Have the ability to smash out a sea and dry stone!

However, she felt that this resentful gaze seemed to be shot from another door, so she went to see it sideways and saw a girl wearing yellow goose clothes looking at her in disgust.

It’s not the first day of Feihua Island. !

In order to humiliate her in front of the dust-collecting lord, this little scum was specially proposed to compare her with her sword. Finally, she took advantage of the sinking sword, but she was beaten by the dust-collecting lord, and she was almost mad.

Seeing her at the beginning of the month, she looked at her, her eyes were even more cold, but what she never imagined was that Yunchu’s smile was against her, and she waved her paws. It is estimated that if there is no way to leave the team, This goods will run over and say a few words.

Suddenly, I felt that my heart was more blocked! It’s like a fist that uses all its strength to lie on the cotton, which makes people can’t tell the wrongs.

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at the sigh of the moon. When my heart was dark, the sounds in the storage ring trembled.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was very puzzled. Who gave her a voice? Is it that Yun Zhichen and Sima Yixiang?

It doesn't make sense. Now, the Qingtian Empire has developed very smoothly under her remote control. Before she came out, she deliberately passed them. Don't contact her in recent days. Is it an accident?

At the beginning of the cloud, some of the embarrassing words were taken from the storage ring, but it was found that the blood was infinitely sent, and she was even more puzzled!

There is no way to use the microphone in the place where the bloodless step is followed by the little white face. Did he return to the northern continent?

After the beginning of the cloud into the gods, there was a voice of bloodless hippie smiles: "Small nine sisters, I put your fiancé on a tree that is far away from you, you remember to take it."

Cloud early: "..."

What is it to put her fiancé on the tree? How is this so strange to hear this? !

At the beginning of the cloud, he said with no anger: "What is going on in the end?"

"Small nine sister, I am acting on duty, the specific thing, you ask that face! I have something to do, let's see you!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I was so suffocating, but I couldn’t really care about it. So I went to the end of the Duanmu elders with a stomach: "Hey, hey, Duanmu elders, my stomach hurts, I have to go to the convenience!"

Duanmu elder: "..."

The original impression of the beginning of the cloud suddenly disappeared more than half, what is a girl? !

The cultivators are different from ordinary people. The things they eat are all aura. Most of them can be absorbed by the body. Even if they are not absorbed, as long as they are properly controlled, they will not be solved for a long time.

What's more, since I learned that I want to come to the eyes of the sword, many people will feed on Gudan in advance. How can she have a heartless stomach and even eat a bad stomach? !

Although Duanmu elders were very ugly, they couldn’t help but let her go. They had a cold cry: "Stop quickly, if you miss the time to enter the eyes of the sword, you regret it."

At the beginning of the cloud, he hurriedly agreed, and squatted into the grove outside Baizhang.

A sneak peek at the thief's eye, and soon found a silver-white snake on the top of a branch.

She finally understood why the bloodless promise said that the emperor was placed on the tree, especially, how did this become a snake? Is this a play addiction? !

La la la, little fairies, happy New Year! The double monthly ticket activity ends on the 7th, so remember to give the bamboo to the moon ticket, see you tomorrow!

PS, guess you guess, a certain man is a silver snake?

(End of this chapter)

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