Chapter 4070 Great Sword Destruction

Although Jianchi A Piao and Aboriginal A Piao are very unwilling, but now there is obviously no other way, and they can only be drilled into the plate according to the cloud.

In fact, even if they are all squeezed in a plate, it is not impossible, but these A-floating "likes" the glimpse of the cloud in the disk, naturally do not want more A-Float sharing.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw that all of them had entered the plate, and quickly put them into the storage ring, then laughed: "They finally stopped! The world is finally quiet! Hahaha!"

This goods fully reflects what is arrogant and arrogant, it is called a sorrow, hate can not vent the depression of these days.

When the goods were screaming, they felt a violent trembling on the ground, followed by a faint scream in the distance.

What happened when the cloud started?

Because the sky is completely dark at this time, and it is far away, so even if the cloud looks at the neck, you can't see anything.

This product feels that it is better to look at it in the past, so the silver snake is put into the sleeve, and the fart is up to the station.

At this time, not only the station of the unnamed swords was in chaos, but the other five sects also made a mess in the middle, mixed with the cry of the people:

"How can the giant sword suddenly become a powder? What is going on here?!"

"Yeah, it’s just a powder in front of our eyes. How can this happen? Is the giant sword disappearing? Is there no sword in the future?"


After the discovery of Yunchu, the discovery of the post-sense, the giant sword that stood there has disappeared, leaving only a huge deep pit on the ground, and a thick layer of powder on the ground.

This inexplicable guilty conscience, this should, maybe, probably, 80% and she put the A Piao collection together it does not matter... right?

This goods themselves do their own ideological work, it does not matter, A Piao is A Piao, giant sword is a giant sword, how can it be mixed? !

Or is it related to the bones that Xiaobai faces want?

That shouldn't be, that is a small bone. How could it be a giant sword? Then again, A Piao took the bones away for a while. This giant sword is turned into a powder, and it certainly has nothing to do with the bones... ...right?

Although this product has a dim sum in the heart, but on the surface it is generally the same as the expression of the crowd. At the same time, it is very scary, and the acting is simply awesome.

At this moment, Wan Pengcheng shouted sharply: "This must be related to the beginning of the cloud! If she did not take out the Buddhist scriptures, the giant sword would not make a humming sound, and the sound of the humming sound must be the giant sword. What changed, so I finally turned into powder."

The words of Wan Pengcheng suddenly made Yunchu the focus of everyone, and everyone looked at her.

Ordinary people are surrounded by this battle, and may have been scared by the early days. The cloud has sneered at the beginning: "Wan Pengcheng, you have repeatedly targeted me, I have not disputed with you for the overall situation, and even been expelled. A few times, I didn't say anything.

However, now that you have put such a **** pot on my head, I have to say a few words!

You said that because I took out the Buddhist scriptures, the giant sword was turned into a powder. Then I asked you if the sword had changed before, why can everyone understand the sword before?

Besides, when the giant sword is turned into a powder, I am not here at all. You are guilty of this crime! ”

(End of this chapter)

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