Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 4072: The elders help to excuse (replenish the monthly ticket)

Chapter 4072 The elders help to excuse (replenishment of the monthly ticket)

Other martial art said that the people of the unknown swordsmen looked at the elders in a strange way. Who wouldn’t know that the elders hated the beginning of the cloud, how could they help her?

Wan Pengcheng is even more arrogant, his grandfather is old confused?

He was just about to speak, but he was scared by the stern eyes of the elders.

Although the elders of Duanmu were puzzled, they still echoed: "The elders say yes, this is just a bit of grievance between our two disciples."

At the beginning of the cloud, a small girl with a nine-layered spirit, not to mention that there is no such thought, even if there is, she has no ability to do it.

All the people are clear-cut, and they have long been able to judge the authenticity of this matter. This matter was started by my nameless swordsman, and the old man gave the seats a gift! ”

Elder Duanmu said, the embarrassment of the embarrassment, the elder of the elder who was closest to him, hurriedly helped him, and smiled: "The elders of Duanmu are serious, but it is a noisy child. We are not three-year-old children, where I really believe this nonsense."

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the elders of Duanmu. The nose was slightly sour. Although this Duanmu old man said that she was not the same at first, but this time she did not help her to talk. Later, she must find a chance to make up the broken millennial sword. It is also worth repaying him.

As for why the elders spoke for Yunchu, it was because on the way out, Yunchu had found an opportunity to say to him separately: "Wan elders, the stupid things of your grandson, it is best that you come to give him a good aftermath, or not conceited."

Tens of elders are happy! Is this cloud early in the brain sick? Why does she threaten him? Besides, this thing that Wan Pengcheng did is very suitable for him. If you can get rid of the cloud at this time, it would be better.

At the beginning of the cloud, I naturally saw the thoughts of the elders. She sneered: "Do you think that it is really stupid to take me out of this incident?"

Everyone may not have fixed my sin. After all, this thing was not what I did. Several Buddhist scriptures destroyed the great sword. It’s just that people laugh out loud! ”

When the elders heard the first words of the cloud, they showed a bit of sneer on their faces, apparently not taking it for granted.

Yunchu said: "Reversely, everyone really believes in Wan Pengcheng's words. I feel that the giant sword is destroyed by me. What do you think they will do with me?"

Kill me? No, they are most interested in how I destroyed the Great Sword, and why did I destroy the Great Sword?

At that time, I will say that this is the inspiration of the unnamed ancestor. I am the Buddhist scripture that I got in the nameless ancestor Dongfu. What do you think will happen then?

At that time, the unnamed swordsman will become the target of the public, and all this is caused by Wan Pengcheng, a idiot with no brains. Even if I don't have any good endings, you will never be able to sit on the head of the unknown swordsman!

Besides, even if everyone does not have a long mind to fix my sin, I may not die.

After all, I am the name of an unnamed ancestor. If you don't keep my life, it is against the order of the unnamed ancestor.

Do you think others will not believe me? Hey, they will believe, after all, why can I destroy this giant sword? !

And they will also attribute my previous insights to the unnamed ancestors, so you have only one choice now, that is to give you the stupid grandson! ”

The sneer's expression of the elders became very cold, and he had to admit that the analysis of the cloud was correct, and the people may not really convict her.

Moreover, if she pushes things to the unnamed ancestor, the development of the matter will really be as she speculated, and his situation in the nameless swords will become subtle.

Therefore, despite the reluctance of a hundred reluctances, the elders of Wan Wan stood up and excused themselves for the beginning of the cloud.

This chapter is a supplement and still owes you four chapters. Remember to vote for the moon, oh yeah!

(End of this chapter)

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