Chapter 4076 is only 羡鸳鸯不羡仙

When Emperor Beibei was meditating, he heard a muttering dream in the beginning of the cloud: "Little baby, come, marry one!"

A deity: "..."

He smiled a bit, received the bones inside the storage ring, and then lie down in the clothes, the cloud began to consciously lean on the goods, and put the small head in his arms.

Emperor Beibei kissed her forehead, even though the future was difficult, he believed that there would always be a day when the clouds were seen.

The next day, the black heart opened his eyes and saw the emperor lying on his side. The thief was not dying to take advantage of it, and then he was smashed by the bed.

The two linger for a while, then they get up and wash.

Black Heart Nine remembered the last night's thing, hate the teeth itching, pushed the door out and found that the two groups of Ayao occupied a swing, it seems... very well-behaved?


Can these things be combined with the tricks? !

At the beginning of the cloud, the sorrowful stunned ones, and then turned back to the house.

When I was having breakfast, Yunhe hesitated a moment and asked: "Men, you are going back to your original body, are you leaving?"

Emperor Beibei originally wanted to leave after breakfast, but when he saw the small eyes of the cloud, he said in disbelief: "I have nothing to do with me, and I will leave with you for a few days."

At the beginning of the cloud, I heard the words immediately, and then... I ate two more meat buns, and I couldn’t make a good appetite.

As a result of the beautiful men, Yunchu was not out of the yard for several days. During the period, Zhao Hui and Li Zhuangzhi sent a message to urge her to go to class. The goods were rejected on the grounds of illness.

What **** swordsmanship class, sword formation class, all do not go, how to punish how to punish, nothing is white and beautiful long legs important!

The goods are in a good mood. Looking at those Aya Piao are also a lot of eyes, and occasionally will accompany them to "play" for a while, and Emperor Beibei is standing on the side and smiling.

The two dogs with mushrooms in the corner saw this scene, and my heart was sour, it turned out that this is the legendary 羡鸳鸯 羡鸳鸯 羡 !! When will it find its little baby?

On this day, Emperor Beibei and Yunchuyi played chess in the yard. Of course, the black heart nine did not do anything like repenting chess and stealing chess pieces. A certain deity did not see it.

At this time, the voice of Emperor Beibei trembled, and Emperor Beibei frowned after exploring the gods.

"Men, what's wrong? Who sent it to you?" Blackheart Nine asked one side and poked a piece to change the position.

Emperor Beibei did not poke her, faintly said: "The blood is coming from nothing, nothing, we continue."

The beginning of the cloud was not taken seriously, but after a while, her voice was trembled, and there was a bloodless voice that couldn’t be loved:

"Small nine sister, did the face recover? No, if it is restored, you will let him come back. I will be chased by the little madman into a funeral dog!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I remembered that in the past few days, Emperor Beibei had occasional distraction, and my heart was sour and sweet. She suddenly understood that Emperor Beibei was not without things to do, but deliberately stayed with her.

There must be no way for the bloodless and dark winds to be chased, or else they will not run back to the mainland.

When Emperor Beibei saw the expression of the beginning of the cloud, he knew that it was the voice of the bloodless promise, and immediately said: "The **** idiot is always exaggerated, you don't have to pay attention to him."

(End of this chapter)

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