Chapter 4100 Yu brand

After the beginning of the cloud, the fart was turned to the place, and it was discovered that not only Ouyang’s head was in the door, but also Wan Chang’s and so on.

This goods is a bit embarrassing, what happened?

After seeing her, Ouyang’s head began to open the door and said: “Every martial art sent 50 true disciples to participate in tomorrow’s test. The number of people who had our nameless swords was exactly 50, but Zhuang’s injury still did not improve. I am afraid there is no way to participate in the test.

So we discussed it and decided to let you replace Zhuang Hong’s quota for the competition.

You don't have to worry, every disciple who enters the trial island will carry a jade card with him. Just push the jade card and it will be sent to the outside without any danger. ”

Cloud early: "..."

Say good, just come to eat? Say good, just look at the fun?

Another thought of this goods, Zhuang Hong was pitted by her, is this considered to be a rock and smashed his own feet? After all, if Zhuang Hong is not injured, she will not let her replace it.

This cargo has always been interesting. Since so many people are present, it is obviously a good negotiation. She promised to agree, and she did not agree.

Therefore, the goods nodded and promised, and also vowed to make the best efforts to fight, everyone twitching, you are a lot of people, it is estimated that just entered, you have to be eliminated, what is the use? !

The next day, the six sects of the sects who participated in the test were gathered on the main island of Feihua Island.

The Qidao owner of Feihua Island said some precautions, nothing more than no-flying and can not use the words such as Fuxi, and then distributed to each person a jade card.

Black Heart Jiu had eaten the loss of the jade card, so the goods poked the jade card in his hand into two pieces, then raised his paw and said: "How is this jade card broken? Please change me a piece. child."

Haoyue’s eyes narrowed and her teeth gnawed her teeth. She did her hands and feet on the jade card. But how is this good end of the jade brand broken?

Of course, she did not suspect that it was broken at the beginning of the cloud. She only thought that it was unfavorable for her own people to do things.

The person responsible for distributing the jade card is sweating on the forehead, but it is not easy to do it under the eyes of the public. It can only be given to a jade card with no problem at the beginning of the cloud.

Black heart nine jade cards into the storage ring, tilted the corners of the mouth, these are the rest of the tricks of others, can not be a bit new? !

Qidao Lord saw that there was nothing else, indicating that the transmission array could be turned on.

After everyone entered the transmission array, the dazzling light flashed and everyone disappeared.

The transmission is randomly scattered, so when the cloud is back to sight, there are no other people next to it.

When the goods were going to look around, I heard the sound of fighting coming from afar. Hey, what about this?

This cargo convergence atmosphere has been scraped toward the fighting place, and it turned out to be an acquaintance!

Qu Fangzheng is fighting with a strange monster. The monsters on the island are all illusory, and they are different from the real monsters. Many of them are a combination of several monsters. Strong.

For example, this monster in front of the eyes has both the strong body of the earthen monster and the wind blade attack of the gold-based monster, and the curved side is forced to retreat again and again.

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at the wind, and then ran to the upper vent, and cried crisply: "Hey! Ugly, I quickly put my brother, or else I will kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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