Chapter 4102 is convinced.

One of the disciples of the Xuanwu School said: "The strength of Jiuzhong Pavilion is the first in nature, and Feihua Island is the host. Even if the number of people sent is less than estimated, it will be second. As the island is also an island sect, it is almost possible to get a third.

As for the rest of our three factions, between the middle and the middle, who is in front or behind is normal, it is not very good estimate. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, I nodded. "This brother has a vision and a vision. You are right in analyzing it."

When the disciple heard the words of the cloud, his face showed a bit of pride: "Although you can talk very much, I can't let you go. There is no way this is a test. We don't talk about it."

At the beginning of the cloud, there was still a smile on his face. He said without hesitation: "Six brothers, are you interested in doing something big together?"

This time, not only the six people of the Xuanwu faction, but even the Qu Fang feels that the brain is ill at the beginning of the cloud, and what is said to be messy!

At the beginning of the cloud, he continued: "You just said that if your Xuanwu School and our nameless swordsmen tried the trials in accordance with the ministry, they would definitely not be able to enter the top three, but what if we have two parties united?

Although I can't guarantee that I can pull down the Jiuzhong Pavilion, it is more than enough to clean up the other three factions! At that time, whether you are second or second, we are all happy, what do you think? ”

Six Xuanwu people and the face of the Qufu face, ah? what!

The original trial can also be played like this? Can you unite to deal with other sects? I have never heard of this kind of gameplay!

However, they thought, this method is too special!

It is absolutely feasible to set up two sects to clean up a martial art.

However, the Xuanwu disciple who spoke just thought of a key question and said with a sneer: "You are naturally good, but can you do the Lord of your nameless swordsman?"

Who is he? I don't know, you and I know it. Are you not the first cloud from the South China? I heard that you are making up this number. Will those true disciples listen to you? ”

At the beginning of the cloud, he straightened his waist and said with a few points: "The so-called foreigner’s life is not affected. What is the true disciple and the inner disciple are all outside the trial island. In this trial island. It’s strength, if they don’t agree, I will beat them.”

At the beginning of the cloud, the words are exported, and the songs are at the foot of the song. Yun Shimei, are you convincing others, or are you convinced you? !

The six people in the Xuanwu School are obviously the same thoughts as the Qufu, and the heart says that this cloud is too shameful! As for her little weak chicken, I still want to convince others?

When they were thinking about it, Yunchu said: "You don't want to be a small person. I thought that I was only the daughter of a third-class country in the South China. How then? I am not the heroine of the Qingtian Empire?! When the brain is better than the force.

You doubt me like this, aren't you convinced that you are talking in the Xuanwu School? ”

The first step of the cloud was immediately seen, and the six people of the Xuanwu School immediately said that they were in the Xuanwu School, nothing more than bragging about their status in the Xuanwu School.

Of course, the reason why they are so confident is mainly because the cloud is a good idea, and it is not afraid that other colleagues will not agree.

Continue at 4:30.

(End of this chapter)

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