Chapter 4119 is not enough time

The people of Feihua Island also stood up. Someone said: "Heyue sister, you are waiting here, let's go chase!"

Haoyue hate can't kill the cloud at first, and naturally won't agree. She said: "Come five people, chase after me, and the rest of the people stand by."

There was no objection to the public, and it was enough for six people to go to the beginning of the cloud.

Haoyue took five people in the back and chased after him. It was not easy to slip at the beginning of the cloud, and he ran fast, even more familiar than the terrain.

While running, he whispered: "Hey, you are a shameless island! I was the first to see such a shameful sect!"

"But also, there are people who are so shameless, you can't go to Feihua Island?!"

"Catch me, I can chase me, a bunch of waste, mad at you!"


You have to blow up in the moon!

In a twinkling of an eye, I ran out for nearly ten miles. The first time I ran and ran down the foot of the cloud, I fell a bit. The moon and other people naturally would not let such a good opportunity, and immediately stepped up to the cloud. The first rushed to the past.

At this time, several hemp sacks were dropped on the trees on both sides, and the pepper inside was flying around, and it was accompanied by countless wind blade attacks.

As for the "fall", the black heart stood up early, and released a large flower, and took out a sword and rushed to the front of Haoyue.

This article does not say anything, it is a cut against Haoyue.

Because there are four flying chili noodles to cover, Black Heart Nine directly used the sword on the cliff, and the moon was originally smashed by tears. Where is her opponent? !

Almost in the blink of an eye, the face was scratched, and the wound touched the chili noodles again. The taste was sour and sour.

Haoyue was angry and afraid, and couldn’t care too much, directly inspiring the jade card.

When Haoyue fired the jade card, the other five people suddenly lost their hearts. After some killings, they also stimulated the jade card.

At the beginning of the cloud, he blinked and said to Qu Fang and others: "Go, solve the six people!"

Qu Fang looked at the time: "Yun Shimei, there is not much time left, we may not be able to solve them."

"In any case, always try to say it." Although Yun Chuan also feels that time is not enough, but always try.

The remaining six people in Feihua Island saw that Lu Yue and others had not returned, and they felt a little uneasy, but they felt that there would be nothing.

When they were squatting, Yunchu and others had already rushed over.

If time permits, the first thing in the cloud is to disperse them, and then ambush them with peppers, but there is not much time left, and they can only fight hard.

Anyway, their number is dominant. Even if they can't be eliminated, as long as one person is eliminated, the first of Feihua Island will be lost.

The six people of the Xuanwu School changed their reluctance before they changed their blood.

As long as the people of Feihua Island are eliminated, their Xuanwu School is the first! At that time, they are the great heroes of the Xuanwu School, and the future is simply limitless!

Although the six people of Feihua Island did not know what happened to Haoyue and others, they knew that if they were eliminated, the first would be hopeless, so the six people put out the flying sword array.

Although the sword array of Feihua Island is not powerful, it is not white, and it is a tie between the hard-working and the cloud.

(End of this chapter)

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