Chapter 4122 was played

The six people of the Xuanwu School could not believe what they had heard. They saw the sinister smile of the cloud, and suddenly vomited blood!


Too shameless!

How can there be such a shameless person in the world!

After they have finished using them, they want to open their feet? It’s too wicked!

At the beginning of the cloud, a sneer smirked and said: "I am not convinced? If I didn't give you encouragement along the way, can you stick to it now? I have already given up 100 times!"

If it weren't for me, you have already been eliminated. Is there a chance to be here with me? I let you leave a person who has given you a lot of face, and if you talk nonsense, get out! ”

The six people of the Xuanwu School, despite the sigh of gas, but for the sake of their own lives, had to follow the instructions of Yunchu, and five of them actively inspired the jade card, leaving only one person.

The six people in the Xuanwu School were gnawing their teeth before the memories, but they heard the cloud giggling and laughing. The smile was a splendid one.

The six people of the Xuanwu School were straight hairs that she laughed. What crazy is this stinky girl? ! Wouldn't it be that you don't want to give them an antidote?

Finally, Yunchu stopped the laughter, and then smiled and said: "Six brothers, how can I be so kind, do so poisonous things?!"

The six people of the Xuanwu School were a little embarrassed at the moment. What do you mean?

After a long while, one of them said incredulously at the beginning of the cloud: "You, you mean, the buns are not poisonous at all? Have you been cheating us?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I spread my hand: "Yes, that buns are not my current package. I don't want to get poisoned!"

The six people of the Xuanwu School almost didn't get mad! Are they being played as monkeys? This cloud is really too wicked!

They really can't bear it. Today, they have to learn the lesson. This is a stinking slogan. Just when they want to start, the cloud begins to say faintly: "Want to start? Want to turn your face? You should first measure the amount of weight."

I warn you, if you are not jealous, I promise that your second place will be instantly ruined. If you don't believe us, try it. ”

The six people of the Xuanwu School were frightened by the hardships. They had seen the means of the beginning of the cloud, so they dare not take risks. After all, this second place is also good.

At the beginning of the cloud, the six people were guilty of goods, or they would not be crushed by her.

One of the Xuanwu faction said: "Well, even if these things can be written off, before we attacked the disciples of Feihua Island, you said that let us make a small fortune, money?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I hooked my mouth. "Because you, I lost a boat. Because of you, I lost half a pot of buns. So, you owe me millions of Lingshi."

However, because you helped me clean up the people of Feihua Island, I have given you the money right, so don’t you make a small fortune? ”

Six people of the Xuanwu School: "..."

Is this OK? You will lose it!

Although they hate to succumb to the beginning of the cloud, they can only eat dumb losses. Fortunately, they will eventually win the second place. If they return to Zongmen, they will receive corresponding rewards, which is not too bad.

However, they have a consensus, that is, in the future, they will encounter this stinky girl and say nothing to cooperate with her. This is a devil who eats people without bones!

(End of this chapter)

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