Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 4173: What are you doing with you?

Chapter 4173 What are you doing?

When Qu Fang and Yunchu returned to the inn, Haoyue had already washed his hands and sat in front of the table to eat.

Due to the current situation, the Duanmu elders and the Qidao Lord will not be separated from each other. For the time being, the past mustard will be put down, and all three meals will be eaten together.

When Qidao and others ate some of the chopsticks, it was obviously not a mood. Instead, they talked about the current situation.

"The array of protective arrays has not been found. The temporary protective array has been tested for a maximum of two days. This death sandstorm has no half-stop posture. Can we just sit still?" Jia Chang, Feihua Island, sighed. Said.

Everyone's face was dignified, and they put down their chopsticks.

The action of 潇月菜菜 is a stagnation. This is why she is willing to be angry with Yunqiu. As long as she returns to the inn, she will hear their sighs and people are very depressed.

After seeing Yunchu and Qufang washing their hands, she sat down at a separate table to eat. She hesitated, or sat next to her head in the rice bowl.

This waste has no other advantages, at least to eat with her, not to say something frustrating.

Qidao’s main glimpse of the action of Haoyue, could not help but look like a face, his apprentice is not the most hateful cloud 玖 玖 丫 ?? What are the crazy days in these two days? How do you still put the pole up?

However, he only took a moment to sneak a moment. Now, at this time, naturally, he has no intention to ponder these little things. He took the words of Elder Jia and said:

"Yeah, I didn't expect that we would end up being trapped here, and it is very likely that we will die here, really, uh!"

What he wants to say is really ironic. The people who came here to participate in the city of Ghost City are all people with heads and faces. In the end, they have died with huge amounts of money and treasures on their bodies. There are more ironic things than this. ? !

The elders of Duanmu and others are also sighing again. They are not the masters. They can't help much, even if they are not low in spirit, but once the protection array fails, they can hold up to half a quarter of an hour under the death of sandstorms. .

There is a dead silence here, but the three people in the beginning of the cloud are eating hot, and the first thing in the cloud will be rushing to pick up the dishes.

Black-eyed nine eyebrows stood up at once, and Haoyue ran against her. She couldn’t care, and she rushed to eat with her. Is this looking for death? !

So, the chopsticks of the two became swords, and they even crossed the table.

The hard-pressed Qu Fang silently guarded a plate of pickles close to him, and ate a few mouthfuls of Ling Rice. He knew that he would finish the meal and then call the two ancestors!

In the early morning of the next day, I had breakfast, and the cloud was strolling out of the inn.

Haoyue did not do any thoughts and struggles to follow up this time. Qu Fang looked at the people who sighed in the room and followed them up.

Haoyue turned and gave him a look: "What are you doing with you?"

Qu Fang really couldn't bear it. He said coldly: "You may have made a mistake when you are a girl, Yun Shimei and I are the same door. You are an outsider. This should be the question I asked you. Why do you always follow the cloud? Sister? Are you no one on Feihua Island?"

The moon was smashed by Qu Fang, and her emotions have collapsed in the past few days. When he said this, he felt even more pitiful. He immediately became red and ran to his back.

(End of this chapter)

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