Chapter 4177, Doing a Big Thing

At the beginning of the cloud, the frown was frowned, and the protective array had a gap. It seems that she has to hurry to verify a few suspected spots.

When she was thinking about it, the door was knocked, and there was a voice that was annoyed by the moon: "At the beginning of the cloud, are you still asleep?! You are really big! Do you know the protective array of the city gate? Broke a hole? Don't you follow me to help?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I licked my mouth. This month is a dog skin plaster. Is this sticking to her?

She stretched out and said slowly: "What are you worried about?! Anyway, so many people, not bad for me."

The Haoyue outside was obviously suffocated by the words of the beginning of the cloud. He said with a slight anger: "Then you sleep! It’s good to sleep! I go!"

Then, outside, there was the sound of the moon going downstairs. The clouds shrugged at the beginning and stretched out, and then got up.

At the beginning of the cloud, he smashed a few buns and walked downstairs.

She saw a sullen moon in her eyes, and she stood next to her stiff face.

At the beginning of the cloud, I hooked my mouth: "Miss Haoyue, are you not going to the city gate to help? How is it still here?"

There was no snoring in the month, she was going to go to the city gate to help, but when she saw Qu Fang sitting downstairs, she smashed the song and the result was delayed.

"Yun Shimei, now everyone has rushed to the gate, and we have passed!" Qu Fang felt that Haoyue was unreasonable, but he didn't want to make things big, so he had to endure it. Now he saw the beginning of the cloud. Finally relieved.

At the beginning of the cloud, Shake shook his head: "If we have low spiritual power, don't mess up, let's do something big."

Haoyue sneered at the side: "The big thing? What is more important than blocking the gap? Are you going to look for the eye?"

At the beginning of the cloud, he made a snap: "You have finally been smart, and yes, we are going to look for the ghost town protection array."

Both Haoyue and Qufang were shocked. The rare tacit exclaimer: "Looking for an eye?"

You know, the city of Ghosts and those who are in the same position have been digging the entire ghost town three feet, and have not found the eye, she said to find the eye? She thought that the eye is so good to find?

At the beginning of the cloud, they were too lazy to care for them and bypassed them out of the inn.

Qu Fang and Hao Yue quickly followed up, and Qu Fang asked with suspicion: "Yu Shimei, are you serious? Are you really going to look for the eye? Do you know where the eyes are?"

Haoyue licked her mouth, she felt that the beginning of the cloud was a gust of wind! She is not a mage, how can she find her eyes.

At the beginning of the cloud, he said slowly: "Although there is no 10% confidence, it is still somewhat certain. Otherwise, do you think that I have nothing to do on the wall for so many days?!"

Qu Fang and Hao Yue’s footsteps, isn’t she turning around on the wall instead of eating, but looking for an eye?

The two still questioned the letter, but they didn't say anything more. After the first time in the early days of the cloud, they turned around and went to the city...

Since the city of Ghosts is over, there are only a few ghosts patrolling here and it is not open.

The patrolling ghosts saw three people in the beginning of the cloud and immediately came to block.

At the beginning of the cloud, I smiled at them with a smile: "I am looking for an eye, let us go in."

Those ghosts are the first to go, and then say: "This girl, you are not kidding! How can the eyes be in the city of Ghosts?! If there is a glimpse of the eyes here, the tactics who come here will not find it? You still have to go back. Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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