Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 4201: Is this trying to touch porcelain?

Chapter 4201 This is to want to touch porcelain?

The mage who hit the wall stunned!

Black heart is stunned!

Everyone else is also stunned!

Everyone saw that the cracks were getting bigger and bigger, and the main body of the array showed a cracked state, and there was a large fragmentation posture.

Black heart nine hearts with a dog like, heaven and earth conscience, she just gently knocked a few times, as for her to play this set? ! Touch porcelain? !

Her mind is first blank, and then it runs quickly. If the main body of the ruin is destroyed, the platter will be abolished. If the platoon is abolished, the protection of the ghost town will be finished. If it is finished, the people in the ghost town will also be fart!

In this way, will she not become an sinner of the ages?

However, what should I do now? How can I prevent the speed of the main body of the array from cracking?

Under the urgency of the goods, the sticky wire of the yarn ball was taken out and thrown on the main body of the array. I don’t know if the sticky wire mesh worked, or it happened to be cracked to a certain extent. The crack finally stopped.

Blackheart nine sighed a little, anyway, finally saved the front of the front.

After a dead silence, the mage who hit the wall said with anger: "The beginning of the cloud! Look at the good things you do! If the main body of this battle is ruined, we all have to die together!"

Black Heart Nine is somewhat guilty, so he didn't talk, just frowning at the crack on the subject.

The older strategist said: "This should be just a coincidence. The cloud girl just tapped a few times. How could it knock the main body of the platoon?"

The other strategists immediately retorted: "Coincident? There have been no accidents for so many days. How can she have an accident when she knocks? It is a curse!"

Qu Fang said coldly on the side: "Do you have any conscience? If it wasn't for Yun Shimei who discovered the eye, if the Yunshi girl spent a lot of money on the leaves, you are dead now!"

Those people are awkward. Some people say: "One yard is a yard. She finds her eyes and draws the leaves. We naturally appreciate her, but this time she broke the main body of the front, it is not right."

"That is, if she doesn't find the eye or draw the leaves, we may not die, but now if the market breaks, we really can't live."

Qu Fang and Hao Yue are simply half-dead by these people, really a group of white-eyed wolves!

At this point, there have been ghosts running to report things to Sun.

Upon hearing the main body of the platter was cracked, Sun Guanzhen immediately rushed over with the fire, and also informed the Qidao and others.

The crowd soon arrived, they looked at the crack on the main body of the array, and looked at the black heart nine with a guilty conscience, really want to kill her!

However, they are all people with heads and faces. I think that the contribution that I had made before the beginning of the cloud is not very good now, so many people are silent.

The owner of Qidao originally looked at the clouds and was not pleasing to the eye. Naturally, there was nothing to worry about. He snorted: "The beginning of the cloud, you have made great achievements before, but you know that because of your troubles, we have to follow you. die?"

At the beginning of the cloud, there was a hundred words that could kill the Qidao master, but this product was somewhat guilty, so it was rare that there was no buzz.

Sun Guanyi felt that his head was awkward, but he was the principal, and naturally he wanted to come out to maintain the scene, so he said:

"People, things have happened, and it doesn't make much sense to pursue them now. It is better to discuss how to prevent the main body of the market from continuing to crack. Can there be reinforcement?"

(End of this chapter)

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