Fiance before the 4231

The blood is invisible, and he thought, he said, this face is now an ice sculpture, Xiaojiu sister may be miscalculated.

However, he remembered that he had given him a pile of recording stones at the beginning of the cloud. Anyway, it was like this, so let's put it down.

So, he opened the fourth recording stone, and there was a voice from the beginning of the cloud: "Is there some curious young lady who wants to tell you something important now?"

Brother Wuji gave you the six-star dark stone. That is your legal income, and you will be relieved! ”

The emperor's brow wrinkles are tighter, legal income? What legal income?

When the blood was infinite, Emperor Beibei did not destroy the recording stone in his hand for the first time, and quickly ignited the fifth recording stone: "You must be curious as to what is the legal income? Is it the reward for your sleep?"

Although your time is short and the technology is poor, you haven't been able to make me feel awkward for so many years, but seeing your long, meager share, Miss Stern has given you some breakup fees.

You are a white-eyed wolf that rolls me far away, don't come to me! I have found the right person, goodbye, former fiance! ”

Hey! Hey!

Both the bloodless and the dark winds sat on the ground, and they seemed to hear something unreasonable, and they would not be killed by murder!

When the blood is infinite, seeing the top of the emperor’s head, it is white smoke, and quickly activated the sixth recording stone. I didn’t expect the words inside it to be exactly the same as the fifth recording stone. When it was placed in “short time, poor technology”, The two recording stones instantly turned into powder.

As for the **** and dark winds, the kites like broken wires generally fell into the lotus pond.

The dark wind is a sad reminder. He said that he would not come, but he would let him come, eh? It seems that there is no such thing as a very little Lord who wants to marry him. It is his own rush to find abusive.

Blood is infinitely shrunk under a lotus leaf, and decided to settle down here temporarily!

He and the dark wind thought that Yunchu and Emperor Beibei had already rolled over the sheets, and he still wondered how he had never been born with a small buns. It turned out that the face was not good!

Hey, God is really fair. The face is a long dog, but the spirit is also high, but that aspect is not good, pity his little nine sister!

When he was thinking about it, he heard the sound of something shattering. He saw it and saw that the original pavilion had become a slag. But what about that?

Blood is infinitely courageously looking up and looking around, did not see the shadow of the face, the heart said, bad, that face will not really go to find Xiaojiu sister?

Although, this is very effective for Xiaojiu’s sister, but how can it be rehabilitated? ! That face will not be revealed because of Xiao Jiu’s sister’s short-term murder.

However, he has no way to send a letter to Xiao Jiu’s sister now. He can only hope that Xiao Jiu’s sister will be more self-satisfied!

An suspicion of "no" reached the Optimus continent at an unprecedented speed, and then came to the Unknown Sword.

Although I am cold-hearted, although it is not close to human feelings, although it is indifferent, it is a man who can not tolerate the hat that is not "dead"!

What's more, he didn't sleep when he slept, why didn't he "do it"? I really have this reason!

Then, what is the former fiance? Although he is prepared to temporarily put the feelings of men and women first, and then marry her after the big event has been decided, it does not mean that she can betray him to find other men!

He would like to see which dog dare to marry his woman, is it the blue dust?

(End of this chapter)

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