Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 4299: I am running beautifully (seeking a monthly ticket)

Chapter 4299 甄 Beautiful running (seeking a monthly pass)

On the other hand, the short fat man said loudly to kill: "Big brother, the old five and the sixth, these two white-eyed wolves, have already invested in Tu Lie, we have been cheated by them!"

Killing the scene without seeing the scene has already guessed a few points. He didn't say anything, but he approached the people around the short fat man with a knife.

Those who were killed by the killings of the invisible body, involuntarily let a path open.

Tu Lie bit his teeth and estimated in his heart how strong the chances of a strong action player win. At this time, the fifth child said to Tu Lie:

"The head of the slaughter, the sixth-order monsters they hunted, and the monsters that have recently been hunted are in my storage ring. They can't get enough heads anyway tomorrow."

Tu Lie blinked and said nothing to kill: "You have heard it without killing it? Even if I spare you today, you have to get out of the thorny forest tomorrow, you think?"

Killing no traces and snoring: "Do not bother you, we have our own way."

Although Tu Lie was not reconciled, he had to let go of the five people without leaving. Anyway, if they could not pay the head fees tomorrow, they could only bow to themselves.

After killing a few people and leaving the encirclement, the short fat man and others had to hunt, killing and waving, said: "You have injuries on your body, even if we can kill a few low-order beasts, it does not help, and If the Tu Lie dog jumps on the wall, it will be difficult to do it. Go back to the camp first."

The short fat man and other people heard that they had to return to the camp with the killing.

"Hey? Big Brother, where is the beauty? And her dog is gone!" The short fat man found a circle and didn't see the beginning of the cloud.

Killing no traces and frowning: "Maybe go to the cottage? The stomach of the beautiful girl seems to have been not very good."

After a while, everyone saw that Yunchu had not returned yet. The short fat man said with anger: "I know! This beautiful beauty must be that we will not have enough people to pay for tomorrow, so we ran away, really no conscience!"

"That is, we lost her to see her as a sister, but also made her a wooden house, and brought her some wild fruits to eat. I didn't expect to run at this time."

"It’s really a big disaster, and it’s a snobbery.”


It is very ugly to kill the traceless face. He thinks that the person's vision is not bad, but today he suffered successive blows. First, the old five and the old six voted for Tu Lie, and then even the beautiful beauty he recruited escaped.

Killing no trace, I think that I have sold half of the storage ring and the yuan sac bag that I gave to the cloud, and I feel that my heart is pulling cold and cool. It seems that I really look away.

Soon, the sky was dark, and everyone’s mood was dark, and there wasn’t even a meal.

After killing the mouthless mouth a few times, I finally said: "We killed the wolf hunting group originally was the least number of people. Now the old five and the old six have joined the Tu Li, even if we can barely make up the head charges tomorrow, next month. The head fee is still not payable, so we are still scattered!"

The short fat man is about to talk, killing no traces and waving his hand and saying: "You don't have to say it again. I have been tired of you for more than a year. I have 20,000 yuan in the next few coins. You will get one point and then go tomorrow. Trust other hunting groups!"

At this time, I suddenly heard someone say leisurely: "What is the number of people? The number of people is small and the number of people is small. I don't think it is a good thing to have a black sheep."

The short fat man looked up and exclaimed: "Hey beautiful? Are you not running? How come back?"

On the 6th limit, the 12th at 12 o'clock on the 7th is the 7th morning burst, remember to vote for the moon, oh oh!

(End of this chapter)

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