Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 4509: Killing chickens and monkeys

Chapter 4509 Killing Chickens and Monkeys

After listening to the words of the beginning of the cloud, those annihilation hurricanes immediately rushed toward the glory.

Yuxiong knew that it was useless to ask for the beginning of the cloud, and shouted at the old man: "Jun Lao, help! Help! This monk wants to kill us one by one! You can't be fooled..."

When Yuxiong’s words were not spoken, they were killed by the hurricane.

This black-hearted nine-killing chicken and apes are obviously very effective. The old eyes flashed and they took the lead and squatted on the ground: "See the ghost ancestors! I waited for the eyes, and asked the ghost-grandfather not to remember the villain and forgive us."

The beginning of the cloud is more refined!

At first glance, I know that Jun Lao’s heart does not agree with her, but it is only because of the situation that it is temporarily obedient.

When the cloud came to the beginning, it was not easy to kill the old man. He smiled and said: "I don't know if you don't know, let's say that you are careful, it's all right, get up!"

Everyone heard it, and this stood up.

Qu Mo is simply forced!

Xiaojiu turned into a ghost ancestor? This, this is too incredible, right?

In fact, now the heart of the black heart is empty! Because she knows she is a counterfeit!

The goods coughed twice: "Little gentleman, I have just awakened memories, and many things can't be remembered. You tell me what you know."

Little gentleman?

The old face of Jun Lao was suddenly pumped like a buns!

But when I dare not say anything, I have to say: "Ghost ancestors, our memory is also missing a lot. Counting it up, we have only recovered our ingenuity more than a decade ago, and the things we can remember are very limited."

At the beginning of the cloud, he frowned and pointed to the stone platform: "Is this transmission array already there, or is it built by you?"

"This is what we built later. Although we have lost a lot of memories, some people still remember some arrays. In order to avoid being injured here by the soul of the soul, it is also to avoid the fact that some people have swallowed the soul beads. Acting in the law." Jun Lao explained.

At the beginning of the cloud, there are thousands of people here. It is not surprising that there are people who know how to practice the law. Then he asks: "Why do you want to offer Chinese cabbage to the soul beads? It is difficult for them to eat cabbage. Not?!"

The old man said: "We just wanted to store the extra cabbage here, but I didn't expect to find that the cabbages here are gone, so they should and should have been eaten by these soul beads!

You see, there are still a few cabbages on the stone bench without the cabbage leaves? ”

Black heart nine touched the nose, is the cabbage Ye Mingming eaten by her? !

Are those cabbages eaten by these soul beads? She does not believe it! There must be a stupid inside!

At the beginning of the cloud, I suddenly remembered one thing and asked: "I ask you, who was established outside the Wangui Cave?"

The embarrassed said: "After we are awake, there is a big battle out there. As for who set it up, we don't know.

However, since the destruction of the big squad three years ago, there have been no outsiders here, and we are happy. ”

"Who was activated?"

"There are masks on those faces, because there is no conflict of interest with us, we have not gone out to explore." Jun Lao said.

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt that those people were the guards of the smoky princess, because it was the time when the enchanted princess succeeded three years ago.

At the beginning of the cloud, the brows are wrinkled. All of this seems to be artificially arranged. What is the ultimate purpose of the people behind the scenes?

(End of this chapter)

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