Chapter 4637, I also want to face

Ouyang's head is very embarrassing, stunned the cloud at first glance, nonsense!

How can he have a rabbit grandson in the head of his unspeakable swordsman? !

Other people are also forbearing, can't help, grandchildren? Losing her, she wants to come out!

Wan Pengcheng stayed for a while, then said with anger:

"The beginning of the cloud, I don't care what you said, the grandson is not a grandson. When I saw the rabbit, it was clearly that it was in the chaos. I didn't see you at all."

At the beginning of the cloud, I sighed and pointed to my head: "You also saw it. I was smashed into baldness. I want to face too?!

So I hid behind the sneaking rabbit, lest I be seen laughing.

You don't ask me to call my rabbit, it is deliberate! ”

Ouyang head thought, face? As for the goods like you, I am afraid I have never known what it is!

However, everyone believes her words, this cloud is the first naughty, it is also a girl, become a bald girl, naturally afraid of seeing people, hiding is also in line with common sense.

Even Wan Peng’s heart has some drums, is it really like this?

It is also true that he has just chased after a few meetings, this monk appeared, and maybe he was hiding behind.

The elders of the East came out and muddy: "The crowd, I think this is a misunderstanding. It is better to forget this, so as not to hurt."

The ancient elders also said: "That is, Wan Pengcheng has not been hurt, and Xiaojiutou is also a cause of trouble. This matter will turn over!"

Tens of elders are half dead!

What is it that is not hurt? Didn't you see his grandson's face swollen into a pig's head? ! There are still injuries on the body that have not been raised for ten days and eight days.

However, what can he say now?

If you continue to stalemate, the stinky girl will definitely bite Pengcheng and smash the Ouyang old man, forget it, she can't wait for a long time anyway.

When I think of it, the elders are cold and swearing: "Well, since everyone is saying this, this thing will stop here, and leave."

When the elders finished speaking, and regardless of the reaction of Ouyang’s head, people immediately left Wan Pengcheng to leave.

Others saw nothing, and they all left with their words. In the end, there were only two people, Black Heart Nine and Ouyang.

Ouyang head shot a table: "Small nine-headed, you and I tell the truth, that Wan Pengcheng did not blame me?"

The black heart is stunned by the eyes: "Master, even if he didn't export, he thought so, I just helped him to say it in advance."

Ouyang head: "..."

"Master, the elders, the old things that want to be a bit of a well-known person, you are so tolerant that he is raising a tiger." Black Heart Nine began to move the topic quietly.

Sure enough, the attention of Ouyang’s head was successfully transferred, and he sighed:

"Is it unclear for the teacher?! But his party feathers are numerous. If you move one, you will take the whole body. If you don't know, our unknown swordsman will be badly hurt.

Therefore, as the teacher has been maintaining the harmony of the surface, you will not want to provoke him again. ”

Black heart nine heads shake like a rattle:

"Master, you are not right when you say this. There is a saying how to say it. Yes, it’s always a scorpion. Your negative approach will only contribute to his arrogance."

I want to say that even if it is a big injury, it is much stronger than this!

If we continue this way, our unknown swords will fall apart in the morning and evening, and then it will not be a big blow, but a complete ass! ”

(End of this chapter)

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