Chapter 6748 I have a sword embryo!

Emperor Beibei listened to the mist, gently patted her back to appease, and asked:

"Don't you cry, what happened?"

Blackheart nine pumped up and said what happened, crying and said:

"I was very happy with the Thunder. I thought that there was no growth in my cultivation. Oh, I don’t want to be a waste of four layers in the future?!

There are also a few things that are not as good as the beasts. Even if I say that I can’t get married, it’s really mad at me! ”

Emperor Beibei was worried and funny, and a good comfort, which made the black heart nine stop crying, and let her say all the details.

"You said that you have injured a family of four people with a sword? And only used three feet of Jianqi?" asked the emperor Beibei thoughtfully.

The black heart nodded nine times: "I am also surprised, otherwise it should not be so easy to hurt them.

However, I feel that this sword seems to be a little bigger than the power of the past. ”

Emperor Beibei was silent for a moment, and this said: "Xiaojiu, do you say that you have actually succeeded in shaping the sword embryo?

The power of thunder and lightning is actually absorbed by your sword embryo. Your magical swordsmanship actually contains the real sword, so the power will grow. ”

The beginning of the cloud rounded his eyes: "This, how is this possible? I didn't find the sword embryo when I looked at Dantian?"

"Perhaps the sword embryo you created is smaller than the sword embryo of the yellow grade, so you didn't find it.

Or, your sword embryo is special, so you didn't see it.

It is also simple to verify this. You try to absorb the chaos. If you can successfully absorb it, you have a sword embryo. ”

Black Heart Nine immediately began to meditate, but the goods quickly began to smash: "No, no, no, there is no sword embryo, you lied to me! You are a big liar..."

A deity: "..."

Emperor North considered it a bit and said: "This situation may be the same as when you were in the 3,000 continents. You can only absorb the thunder elements at the beginning, and perhaps your sword embryo can only absorb the thunder elements.

There is also a very small amount of thunder in this chaotic gas. You try to see if you can capture it. If it can be captured, it means that my guess is correct. You have a sword embryo, but it is special. ”

The black heart nine flattened the mouth, and finally began to meditate according to the emperor Beibei.

Before she created the sword embryo, she once tried to use the free thunder element to cultivate, and the mosquito legs are also meat!

But she found that she couldn't absorb it at all, and later she left it behind.

She calmed down and used the gods to perceive the chaotic gas that floated around her. It took me half a day to see a floating thunder element.

She hurriedly tried to inhale it into the meridians according to the cultivation method of the demon family. In the past, there was no way to do it. I did not expect this time to become!

The thunder element was sucked into the veins by the first cloud and then entered Dantian.

Black heart nine happy jumped up, facing a certain dear one: "It became! Become a person! I am also a man with a sword embryo! Hahaha!"

A certain person is not a piece of wood. It is such a slap in the face that it is natural to recover some interest.

After the two people had been intimate for a while, Black Heart sighed: "Men, what is the grade of your sword embryo? How is it so wonderful?"

Emperor Beibei naturally did not know, Black Heart Nine suddenly remembered the nine-finger old man, so he took out the lock soul light.

(End of this chapter)

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