Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 6848: When the thorns are pulled out

Chapter 6848 is a stinger

At the beginning of the cloud, he did not pay attention to Qian Yan, and swayed to the test site.

Qian Yan sighed behind her, he was worried about himself on the one hand, and worried about Yunchu at the other.

This Yunshimei floated after returning from the Mount Yunshan, and she didn’t even know how many pounds she had. If she had a heart-wrenching master, she would have to lose half of her life without dying!

Thinking of this, he was amazed: "Yun Shimei, in the past three years, regardless of life or death, Yin Elder knows that you will participate, maybe someone will deal with you, let us abstain!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he blinked his eyes: "No matter, if there is a rush to find a dead, I will send him a ride."

Qian Yan: "..."

crazy! It’s crazy!

When the two arrived at the test site, they had gathered a lot of people.

Half of it is watching the fun, and half is preparing to go on stage. The cloud is also a celebrity at the outer door. Everyone sees her pointing at each other.

It is nothing more than saying that she is self-disciplined, and even signing up for the three-year ratio is simply asking for sin.

Black Heart Nine did not hear it. If she cares about these rumors, she will not become her now.

A moment later, Simamen and the eight church owners arrived.

After the Simamen Lord said a lot of encouragement, the three-year ratio began.

Due to the large number of participants, a total of 30 test benches were set up. The huge bulletin board will show the two sides of the match and the corresponding test bench number.

Qian Yan rubbed his neck and saw his name at a glance. Then he blinked and turned empty? Is he empty? Did he actually be empty?

He was still happy in the future, and he saw the opponent of the cloud, and immediately sank.

"Yun Shimei, the one who played against you, Joe Long entered the top 50 last time. It is a popular figure in this door, and I heard that his family has a good relationship with Yin, you directly Give up!"

The beginning of the cloud has not yet been spoken, the identity jade card trembles, and the voice of Zhugetang is heard inside:

"Cloud Yiyi, you abstain! You are not the opponent of Qiao Long, don't ask for it."

The cloud finally agreed, and then... did not move.

Her and Qiao Long's test was arranged in the third game of the 8th test bench, so she and Qian Yan squeezed to the 8th to see the lively under the test bench.

Qian Yan’s face is still awkward, but does it matter if she stuns her directly? It’s just that he thought about the consequences of doing this, didn’t dare.

At this time, Huang Qingyue and Su Yingxue squeezed over.

"Yun Shimei, you are also unlucky enough, how come with Qiao Long?

Although we are at the inner door, we also hear about this Qiao Long. The most ruthless, you have to abstain from forgetting. Huang Qingyue said with a frown.

Su Yingxue also said on the side: "Yes, if it is someone else, this Qiao Long is a mixed layer of nine, which is much higher than your repair."

Moreover, maybe he was ordered by the elder Yin, and when it is time, he will definitely die, Yun Shimei, you still abstain. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt that it was not very good to play pigs and eat tigers. It seems necessary to brighten my cat's paws!

She chuckled: "Huang Shijie, Su Shijie, you relax your heart, I can even kneel down with a hundred thorns of thorns, a district of a dragon naturally."

If he is interested, then if he is not interested, I will regard him as a thorn! ”

Returning to my hometown today, the remaining three chapters are updated at seven o'clock in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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