Chapter 6856, this is what is bad stuff.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was too lazy to take care of the two dogs.

When I woke up, it was already in the middle of the night. After a tossing, it was estimated that the wall would be bright, and I would like to participate in the three-year ratio. I think it is very bad.

Studded, she remembered that the nine-finger old man had never believed in her one-inch darts, and took the lock light.

This cargo refers to a few holes on the wall, and he said: "The old man, have you seen it? This is my one-inch darts and small swords."

The nine-finger old man looked at a few holes on the wall and would be suspicious: "What are you talking about? Are you using other methods to fool me?"

The black heart screamed coldly, took out a big kitchen knife, and waved a sword against the hole.

To tell the truth, she has no bottom in her heart. After all, until now, she does not know why this one-inch darts and small swords are not good at the time.

When it was said that it was too late, it was almost a black heart that just waved a large kitchen knife. The one-inch darts and small swords spurted out and smashed out along the hole in the wall.

Then I saw a large hole in the wall behind and behind, accompanied by a cursing curse:

"Smelly girl, you put a cold arrow and count it!"

"Shameless! Despicable! Shameless!"

"Hey, kill you!"


Black Heart 9 is still harder than 睚眦, she is really stupid!

There are a lot of big holes in this place, and it is estimated that the daylight will not be blocked.

I climbed up from the edge of the wall, and pointed at the beginning of the cloud with my claws:

"They have been hiding so far, why are you still not ruthless? You have never seen such a shameless person!"

The beginning of the cloud has not yet spoken, and the nine-finger old man in the soul-stricken lamp shouted with a scorpion: "Hey, hey! I saw a living cockroach!"

I was in a bad mood. When I heard him yelling, he immediately yelled: "Are you a broken wick?" Then you will know what it is called to blow the wax!"

Eighty-five old people are used to being black-hearted, and they are not annoyed at all. They laughed and said: "If I guess correctly, you are the one who is the master of Jimo, isn’t it right?"

I round my eyes: "Do you know that old man?"

Nine-finger old man: "..."

He now has every reason to suspect that the original Mozambican sect of the Swordsman was killed by this sword, or else there is such a name for his master?

A black heart on the side of the nine asked curiously: "Old man, do you know this?"

The nine-finger old man smiled and said: "Who does not know who is unknown?" You know the Hongyao sword as a disciple of the Hongzong Jianzong?"

Black Heart Nine shook his head without any psychological burden: "I don't know."

The nine-finger old man feels that the Hongxian Jianzong is a failure. This curse the master's sword spirit, and then ask this disciple who knows nothing, this is a bad thing!

The nine-finger old man took a deep breath, and said: "The flooded sword is the treasure of the town of the wild sect. It has always been the token of the sect of the sect.

About 10,000 years ago, the lord of the Hongzong Jianzong was called Jimo Fengfeng, and his sword spirit was a scorpion.

The repair of the Lord of the Ink is very high in itself, and with such a sword spirit, it is always in the limelight.

Under the leadership of the Hongzong Jianzong, he became more and more powerful. Unfortunately, the Mozambique sect was suddenly violent, and the Hongzong Jianzong began to go downhill. ”

(End of this chapter)

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