Chapter 6877 Cui Yujing Bud

At the beginning of the cloud, he picked up his eyebrows: "Mr. Qian brother, you calculate, how many meals have you eaten me? You think about it, who can you enter the inner door?

I will ask you such a small thing, you will not agree, is it too much? ”

"One yard is one yard. If you can do something else, I can promise you, but this thing will not work."

Qian Yan’s face is firm and joking. That’s the task of the black area. They have two small shrimps to pick up such a difficult task, and that is to die.

He came to the inner door for a long time, and he did not come to die.

"I am naturally sure that I have taken this task, so if you go with me, I will give you three thousand spar, how?"

"Hey! Yun Shimei, am I the one who loves money?! Don't go!"

"Five thousand."

"Don't kill!"


"That, when are we going?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw Qian Yan without a word, but I really went inside the money.

Qian Yan smashed his hand: "Yun Shimei, I am not greedy, mainly because I am so embarrassed to see you, how can you really reject you?"

So what, should you pay me some deposit first? ”

At the beginning of the cloud, he turned a blind eye, but still gave Qian Yan three thousand spar.

Qian Yan looked at the extra spar in the storage ring and couldn't close his mouth, but when he thought about the difficulty of the task, he immediately suffered a bitter look:

"Yun Shimei, this **** plain is close to a territory of the different devils. If you encounter a different demon, you have to finish it!"

Moreover, this jade jade bud is rare, can we find it?

If this task is not completed, the corresponding punishment is not light, we are likely to be directly returned to the outer door. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, he didn't care: "Mr. Qian brother, but if we have completed this task, we will not have to do any more tasks in a few months. Isn't it beautiful?!

Rest assured, I have always been lucky, nothing will happen. ”

When Yun Yun said this, her eyes sparkled because she thought of a good idea.

Her ninth rudder was stationed on the territory next to the **** plain, and she could show up through this opportunity.

In addition, the different demon and the demon family do not have access to each other, she can sell some of the special products of the demon family to the different devils, and then get some of the special products of the demon to sell to the demon, You can make a small fortune by fluttering.

After making up his mind, Black Heart 9 hastily and Qian Yan separated back to his yard.

She told Mo Wu to seize the time to collect some herbs and special products on the territory of the different devils. Ten days later, she took her to the **** plain to see her.

Mo Wu said something awkward: "The rudder master, things are good to say, but, but I have no money!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about it: "This is easy to handle. You take people to the other eight rudders to ask for severance pay. If you have no money, let them take things."

If you don't give it to sit outside their rudder, if they dare to do it, you will carry out my brother's name to scare them.

I don't believe it, because of this money, they dare to offend my brother. ”

Mo 5: "..."

Lord of the helm, let's do this... Is it really good to shame?

At the beginning of the cloud, he ordered the completion of the five, and sent a message to the emperor. He asked him to help collect some special products of the different devils. After all, he had more people and he was more convenient than him.

After the emperor's promise, the first day of the cloud allowed him to meet in Pingxi City, which is a hundred miles away from the **** plain.

After the initial arrangement of the cloud was settled, it was agreed with Qian Yan three days later.

(End of this chapter)

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