Chapter 6939 Shantou

The seven guardian elders spent half an hour, which put the whole spirit card back.

Although the cultivator's skin is thick and thick, it hurts so much!

After they burned incense, they began to mutter, and the beginning of the cloud did not really tell what they were saying. It is estimated that the spirit card will verify the blood.

It is estimated that there was such a ceremony before, but when she came, the seven elders of the law-protection had already finished, so she did not see.

After the seven elders of the law-abiding rituals had gone through the ceremony, it was hard to get out of the ancestral hall. Everyone’s forehead was red.

"Home, the spirit card is re-arranged, let her go in and re-verify it!"

Yun Yantian nodded, indicating that the cloud can enter.

At the beginning of the cloud, there was some embarrassment in my heart. Just now it was purely a cat that ran into a dead mouse. Can this time have a spiritual card fall?

But I can only go in with my scalp, and I will squat on the ground.

Oh! Oh!

All the spirit cards fell to the ground again!

Cloud early: "..."

Yun Yantian: "..."

Seven guardian elders: "..."

At the beginning of the cloud, he got up in a complicated mood and walked outside.

For a long while, the elders of Tianquantang’s law-protection said: “Homeowners, it’s estimated that just happened... Aftershocks, so this is the case, this time can’t count.”

The other six elders of the law-protection also felt that this guess is reliable, and it is definitely an aftershock!

Yun Yantian felt that there was such a possibility, so he nodded and said: "Take a delay and then re-verify. You should first return the spirit card to its original position."

Therefore, the seven elders of the law-abiding had to work hard to open the skull-head mode and go in again to sort out the spirit cards.

Black Heart Nine looked at the seven old men who kept gimmicks there, just want to give them two words - deserve it!

It is straightforward to calculate that she does not have to pass the verification. It is necessary to say what aftershocks are really harmful to others.

After half an hour, the seven elders of the law-protection came out with a red forehead.

"Homeowner, I think that in order to be safe, it is necessary to place a seismic feather in the ancestral hall to make sure that there is no aftershock and then let the cloud Yiyi verify it." Tianshutang's elders of the law said.

The so-called seismic plume is a well-designed element that can be measured even with small ground vibrations.

Yun Yantian nodded in agreement, and the elders of Tianshutang immediately placed a seismic feather in the ancestral hall.

Seeing that half an hour has passed, there is no abnormality in the seismic plume. Yun Yantian feels that the cloud can be re-entered into the ancestral hall for verification.

After Yunchu entered the temple, he threw himself on the ground.

The spirit cards slammed into the ground again, and at the same time, the seismic feathers also made a harsh sound.

The elders of Tianzhutang immediately said: "Have you heard it? It’s really a dragon to turn over! It’s amazing, how come this cloud is so eager to catch up with it, and you will encounter the aftershock."

The elders of Kaiyangtang frowned. "How do I feel that the reason why the shocking feathers are warning is because of the vibration caused by the spirit card?"

Also, if the earth dragon turns over, why is there no other vision around it? ”

The elders of Scorpio Church snorted: "What is strange about this? It is estimated that the range of occurrence is very small, only in that small area!"

Do you think that these spirit cards are all falling because of the cloud? Just kidding, don't say she can't be the blood of the cloud family, even if she is, He Dehe can let all the spirit cards fall? ! ”

(End of this chapter)

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