Chapter 6947 retesting

Tianshu elder's nose was almost mad!

Where did he bully her? Is it true that he is talking about it? !

Yun Yantian is very entangled at this time. From the inside, he hopes that the beginning of the cloud is really the blood of the cloud family, but the facts are in front of you, this black and dark color is really wonderful.

He glimpsed the pitiful little eyes of Yunchu, but he was still soft-hearted. He thought, there are still several rounds of verification behind it, even if she passed this round.

So, he said in a deep voice: "Although the situation of Yunyiyi is somewhat special, her blood does make the lock dragon stone reach pink or even red, so this round of verification, she passed."

Tianshu elders are naturally reluctant to say: "Homeowners, you are too arbitrary, I disagree."

The other six elders also echoed: "Yes, the homeowner, the blood test is of great importance, and Yun Yiyi does not meet the conditions at all. How can she count her through?!"

"Yes, maybe her blood is too wasteful, so Lock Dragon will become black."

"The elders of Yu Heng said that it is very reasonable. It must be like this! Lock Dragon Stone has never verified the blood of such waste, so it turned black."


Yun Yan Tian brows tightly locked, if the seven elders insist on opposing, even if he is the owner, it is not good to force Yun Yiyi to pass the verification.

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about it: "Grandfather, since the seven elders are against it, I am not going to make you embarrassed. You let me test it again. If it is still black and red, I have nothing to say."

Yun Yantian nodded: "Alright, then give you another chance."

The elders of Tianshu and others are willing to oppose it, but they are not too good to give Yun Yantian a face. They have no snoring. Anyway, they are sure that this test will definitely be black.

The beginning of the cloud re-entered the lock dragon stone, using the gods to say to the dog tail grass:

"This time you give me a little bit of memory. If you turn me black again, I will turn you into a ash!"

The dog's tail was busy with the shaking leaves, and it made up its mind. This time, we must wash our minds and re-do the grass, making the lock dragon stone red and red!

After the cloud first commanded the dog's tail grass, the blood was dripped on the lock stone that had been restored to gray.

The color of the lock dragon began to change slowly, gradually becoming pink, and becoming brighter toward bright red.

"Dog tail, let your stone 爹 mother stop! I don't need big red, this color is enough to pass the verification!"

The dog's tail grass is in a hurry to start communicating with its stone aunt, but it has not changed the trend of the lock dragon. The color of the lock dragon is getting deeper and darker, and it becomes darker. Dark colors.

"Dog tail, do you want to die?!" Black Heart Nine Hate can't kill the dog's tail!

The dog's tail grass is also very wronged. It obviously has stopped its stone 爹 mother, how can this **** stone become black?

Could it be that the sequela of that time?

"Haha! Haha!" Tianshu elders laughed out loudly: "Cloud Yiyi, what else do you say this time?! Really can't be faked, fake can't be true, you are obviously not the blood of our holy mountain cloud family."

The other six elders are also full of ridicule and triumph, because of this little waste, they are gimmicks and are learned by the spiritual lessons, and now finally have a bad breath!

(End of this chapter)

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