Chapter 7114 enters Qiankun Grottoes

Note There are many kinds of forests, but the more important ones are three points:

It is forbidden to fly within the Qiankun Grottoes. It cannot be used, and once it enters, it can only be sent out after a month has elapsed.

After the readings were completed, Yun Yantian, Kun Mozun and the Beastmaster jointly opened the Qiankun Grottoes.

The people who hold the qualifications for entering the hole have been inspected and entered the enchantment in turn, and the black heart is also in the list.

Black Heart Nine was still worried about what would happen to the moth, but it didn't happen until she successfully entered the Qiankun Grottoes, and she could not help but feel relieved.

The people are still divided into three camps, different demons, orcs and gods.

However, there is no intention to do it.

It is not wise to start now. If you have this energy, you should look for a few more treasures. When you are about to expire in a month, you will shoot again and grab the baby.

Therefore, the people of the three camps chose three roads and they parted ways.

This Qiankun Grotto is like a huge hive. There are countless roads inside, and there are countless caves.

Although it is in the grottoes, the light is very good, because the rocks of these grottoes can emit a radiant glow.

Someone once cut and took these rocks out, but found that once they got outside, the stones became unremarkable and could not be illuminated.

This is still a mystery to this day.

More than one hundred people of the gods and demons naturally choose a leader, or else the dragons have no heads, just like headless flies.

Everyone voted for it, Kun Lu chose Yun Qianli, and dry land chose Emperor Chengfeng of Longling Emperor.

No matter what they think in their hearts, they are still polite and begin to discuss the next plan.

"According to the records, the location of the caves in Qiankun Grottoes will change at regular intervals, so we have little experience to learn from.

In this way, when we meet caves that both of us feel good, we will go in and explore.

If you think that there is no value in the cave, just skip it. "Emperor Feng said.

Yun Qian nodded and nodded: "The emperor and the lesser are justified, then do it."

After the negotiation, everyone walked along the winding road, the surrounding is very quiet, and even quiet is somewhat strange.

Someone whispered: "I heard that this road is a safe place in the Qiankun Grottoes. No matter how dangerous it is in the cave, as long as you escape to the winding road, things in the cave will not be chased out.

So the road is so quiet, it should be because it is isolated from the cave. ”

Everyone realized this suddenly, and the embarrassment in their hearts also resolved some, at least for now, it is safe.

Yun Qianjiang thought of Yun Yantian’s instructions, and said coldly to the cloud, he said: “The homeowner wants us to protect you, so don’t go around and follow us.

In addition, some caves do not need totem armor, you are waiting in the road, don't go in. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, Yun Qian did not expect that although she did not wait to see her, she still had a sense of responsibility and nodded. "I wrote down, thank you Qianjiang brother."

Yun Qianhe snorted at the side: "Nine sisters, I am not listening to you, you said that your cultivation is so low, why do you have to fight for thousands of totems? You are not looking for yourself uncomfortable?! ”

Black Heart Nine is very helpless and sighed: "I don't want to be like this. Totem armor must rely on me, and I can only suffer!"

Continue at two points.

(End of this chapter)

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