Chapter 7180 Snow Fog Tree

At the beginning of the cloud, I listened to the words of the little fat man and nodded. The last time the golden guardian law mentioned the snow-fogg fruit, I heard that the snow-frozen fruit matured once in a hundred years.

It is only because the growing area is close to the top of the holy mountain, so there is no way to pick it up, and it can only be automatically rolled down after it has landed.

It is a pity that in the past three hundred years, I have not known what happened. There has been no snow smog rolling down, and the people who Yunjia sent to view have not survived.

Now even the smell can't be smelled, the snow fog tree will not be dead, right?

At this time, within the study of Yun Yantian, the Yuheng elders and others who stayed at the Yunjia are reporting the matter.

"Homeowners, according to the time to calculate the snow and fog fruit at this time is the maturity period, but now there is no slight scent floating out, snow fog trees will certainly have problems." Yu Heng elders said with a sad face.

Yun Yan Tian brows tightly locked, and several other law enforcement elders are also very heavy.

Tianshu elder sighed and said: "Homeowners, we have no outsiders here, and I will not evade anything."

Outsiders must think that the snow fog tree is irrelevant. Even if it is dead, it is just a loss of a few fruits.

But everyone in the room knows that if the snow fog tree is really a problem, then the sacred mountain must have changed.

If there is a big change in the sacred mountain, then the disaster of our sacred mountain cloud family is coming!

Therefore, even if it is extremely dangerous, you have to send someone to see what happened. ”

Yun Yantian indulged for a moment and said: "Maybe this mature is relatively late, wait for the first half of the month to see if there is no fragrance to be emitted, and then arrange for people to go and see."

After negotiating the matter, Yun Yantian said the event and the follow-up events, and said:

"Thousands of this performance made me very disappointed, my heart is too narrow.

Therefore, it is necessary to punish her and Yun Qianhu and others, otherwise it will be embarrassing. ”

This time, the elders of Scorpio did not help to plead, because Yun’s “self-denial” was more or less changed his attitude towards her.

After several people discussed it, they decided to punish the family materials of Yun Qian and others for half a year, and turned into Xuehandong for 10 days.

When Black Heart Nine learned the news, he slammed his mouth, and it turned out that the thunder and the rain were small. Yun Yantian still had high hopes for the cloud!

Ten days of time passed, Yun Qianli and others ended the punishment, and Black Heart Nine was basically "healed."

This morning, Yunchu and others were called to Yunyantian’s study.

When the clouds first arrived, they found that the elders of Tianzhu and others were also there.

After Yun Yantian glanced at Yunchu and others, he said:

"Your swords are destroyed in the Qiankun Grottoes, so after we negotiated, we decided to take you to the secret database to pick the right sword."

Yun Qianjiang and others are naturally very happy, they are worrying about this matter, after all, even if there is money in the market, it is difficult to buy the same level of swords as before.

The voice of the beginning of the cloud immediately sounded the excitement of the ball: "Master, great! I can finally see my little cute!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I screamed coldly: "You are dead this heart! It is certainly not the secret library that has broken the mirror. Because I saw it last time, there is no sword at all."

The wool ball immediately picked up, and the singer was still used to sell the bitter "Chinese cabbage", but this article changed the word:

"Little cabbage, yellow in the ground, two or three years old, no cute little..."

I am late at home, and I have three chapters and eight updates, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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