Chapter 7199 refuses

When Yun Yantian did not know how to refuse, Yun Qian said to the wind elders:

"The wind grows old, although I am probably a person of the wind's bereaved family, but I prefer to stay in the holy mountain Yunjia, I hope you can complete."

Yun Yantian is very satisfied with the performance of the cloud. If he refuses, it will be more suitable than he said.

When the elders of the wind heard the clouds, they frowned, and the tone was still very kind, saying:

"You have lived in the holy mountain cloud home for several years, and it is inevitable that you have feelings here.

However, you have to know that our Feng's bereaved family has a more suitable method for you, and there are countless cultivation resources, and you will grow more quickly.

Furthermore, we will take you back to the Winds and the bereaved family is not to let you cut off the relationship with the Holy Mountain Yunjia, you can come back to visit at any time in the future. ”

Blackheart and nine hearts in a heart of chanting, I agree, I agree, Yunqian is leaving this little white lotus, this little homeowner is her!

It is a pity that the cloud is still resolutely rejecting the attitude: "The elders of the wind, thank you for your good intentions, but I am still willing to stay at the holy mountain Yunjia.

If it is convenient to change the date, I will go to the Feng’s bereaved family to visit. ”

The elders of the wind have not yet spoken, and the wind is heavy and angered: "The cloud is thousands of miles away. Since you are a survivor of the Feng family, there is no reason to stay in the holy mountain Yunjia!

You have to go today, you have to go without leaving! ”

Elder Scorpio is really intolerable, cold channel: "Thousands of gimmicks are even the people of the wind's bereaved family, but she also has the blood of the holy mountain Yunjia!

Since she is not willing, why should you force her? ! ”

The wind turned and looked at the elders of Tianzhu, sneer: "Listen to what you mean, is it going to work with our survivors?"

I have left my words here today, and the clouds are thousands of miles away. We must take them away today. You have to let them go, and you have to let them go. ”

Everyone in the Yun family had such a suffocating temper, and when he heard the wind screaming, he immediately filled out the indignation, and the atmosphere inside the main hall suddenly became very tense.

At this time, the elders of the wind faintly said: "The cloud master, such a major thing, naturally can not be determined by a junior, what do you mean?"

Yunyantian cultivation is no better, at this time it is inevitable that there is some anger, cold channel: "Yunqian is a surname cloud after all, she is willing to stay in the holy mountain Yunjia, we naturally need to protect her."

The elders of the wind hooked their mouths: "In this case, how do we make a bet? If you win, we will turn and leave, leaving the cloud to consider the time of one year.

If you lose, then the cloud must leave with us. ”

When the elders of the wind came here, they paused and took out a porcelain bottle from the storage ring:

"Presumably, you also know that our Feng's bereaved family lives in a mysterious place. There is a poisonous herb in our station, called phagocytosis. As long as there is a place where it grows, it will be filled with poison gas all the year round.

Inside the porcelain bottle is the seed of the grass, rooted and rooted, and the vitality is extremely tenacious.

If you disagree with the gambling, I will break the porcelain bottle. By then, this mountain and even your holy mountain cloud house will become a paradise for grass. ”

The dog tail grass inside the cloud 玖 玖 玖 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 玖 玖 玖

However, the goods in this heart are asking God to worship Buddha's prayers on both sides, so that the elders of the wind will break the porcelain bottle, and it will be able to enjoy the feast.

(End of this chapter)

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