Chapter 7224 was handed over to me.

The reason why Emperor Beibei came so well is naturally for a reason.

After learning that Yun Yun was coming to Lushan, Emperor Beibei wanted to see this opportunity to see the side. Since the time was not so good, he did not tell Yunchu that he was disappointed.

Xin Wen was ordered to listen to the waiting of Yun Yunchu in the vicinity of the Yunshan Mountain, so he also took the road all the way to the beginning of the cloud, first to the Jicheng, and later to the Lushan.

He was afraid of being discovered by Yun Qianhe, so he was far away.

It is precisely because of this, he and his men are unlucky enough to fall into the magical array set by the three elders of the wind. If it is not the arrival of Emperor Beibei, it is estimated that they will delay in the magic array for a long time.

Emperor Beibei’s intuition may have an accident, so he rushed over and saw that the wind was heavy and he was going to shoot at the beginning of the cloud, directly using the sword to hurt the wind from behind.

The wind is heavy and it is not hurt, because he is dreaming and he does not expect someone to sneak attack. If it is not profound, I am afraid that this will directly kill him.

The eyes of the three elders of the wind all fell on the emperor's body, and his temperament was a little jealous, but when he saw that his cultivation was lower than the wind, he let go of his heart.

It is estimated that just because the wind is heavy and there is no attention, this makes him sneak attack and does not pose any threat to them.

Even so, the trio is still in the middle of the dynasty.

There is no scar on the head of the emperor in the north, and it is vague to guess that the reason why the cloud is not related to the three elders should be that her body has a problem.

He is now eager to save the clouds, and he does not want to delay the work of the three elders, so he said: "Let's get out!"

The wind sighed and sighed and said: "Let's get out? You hurt, I still want to leave here alive?! Today is your death!"

There was a chill in the eyes of Emperor Bei, and his only concern was that he was afraid of moving his hand to the beginning of the cloud he was holding.

Xin Wen's body is too slow, it is estimated that it will take a quarter of an hour to arrive, or else they can let them take care of the clouds.

At this moment, the footsteps came from behind, and it turned out to be Yun Qianhe.

He was originally running in the other direction, but he found that there was no way to use the voice in that direction, so he had to turn back and return.

Yun Qianhe did not know the Emperor Beibei, but Emperor Beibei recognized him. Immediately he used his hand to make a sword, and the heavy wind against the opposite side was a sword.

The wind slammed into the subconscious, and the emperor’s scorpion jumped out of the encirclement.

He handed the cloud to the Yunqian River and sighed: "Carry her, and the three of them are handed over to me."

Yun Qianhe finally got smart again, hurriedly carrying the first cloud and jumping to the back of a thick tree, ready to look for the opportunity to take off with the cloud.

The effort of speaking, the wind has already raised the sword in his hand and shot a sword against the emperor.

At the same time, the wind and heavy anger also raised his hand and shot a sword.

The elders of the wind did not have any movements, because he felt that his two disciples could clean up the young people in front of him. He was self-sustaining and he did not need to do it for the time being.

Emperor Beibei effortlessly avoided the two swords, waving his right hand, and a sword went straight to the wind.

The wind is heavy, and the color is flashing in the eyes. Since the right hand of this stinky boy has already shot the sword, then there is bound to be a gap in the next sword. He can use this interval to attack.

Thinking of this, he went to the left side of the emperor, and the neck of the emperor was a sword.

However, he never dreamed that Emperor Beibei seems to have already counted this point, his left hand suddenly lifted up, and an ice arrow went straight to the eyebrows of the wind...

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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