Chapter 7232, I have no loss of memory

The emperor’s intimidation of the liver and gallbladder was fierce, and he hugged the cloud and hugged him.

His fingers trembled and caught the wrist of the cloud, and found that her pulse was messy again. Although it did not seem to be dangerous before, it was obvious that Dantian had another change.

Emperor Bei hate can't be replaced by his own body, but he can't do anything. The anxiety, worry, and self-blame in his heart make him suffocate and suffocating.

Yun Qianhe was scared by this cold, and the atmosphere did not dare to go out.

Fortunately, after a quarter of an hour, the pulse of the beginning of the cloud tends to stabilize.

Another quarter of an hour later, the cloud opened his eyes.

She looked at the surroundings with some confusion, and then her eyes fell on the face of Emperor Beibei, frowning:

"Male god, how do you have a palm print on your face? Which **** is it?"

A deity: "..."

However, he quickly reacted, and some trembling said: "Xiaojiu, you, you think of it? You remember me?"

The beginning of the cloud is a speechless voice: "I have not lost my memory, of course I remember you! The wind grows older three of them? How did you get rid of them?"

Yun Qianhe quickly rushed over and said: "Nine sisters, your friend killed the wind elders three, how do you break the film?"

Didn't you still tell me that I wouldn't let me tell the owner about the death of the three elders? ”

It’s really a bit of a slap in the beginning of the cloud. What is going on?

Emperor Beibei frowned and sent the Yunqian River to another cabin and said what happened just now.

At the beginning of the cloud, I stared at the palm print on the face of Emperor Beibei. Nene said: "So, the slap in the face of you is me? I really can't help it!"

Emperor Beibei shook his head and said:

"Small nine, I still thank you for this slap, otherwise I may never know how many **** I have, never know what kind of harm I had caused you."

At the beginning of the cloud, she thought of the emperor’s self-proclaimed feelings and feelings. Although she was stunned, a certain deity broke, but the initial pain that spread to the bottom of her heart always remembered.

Although she also knows that Emperor Beibei is forced to helpless, but it is somewhat blame, but there is no way to declare it. At this time, I heard the apology of Emperor Beibei, and the little grievances in my heart disappeared.

Even so, her eyes are still red, busy staggering the topic, said: "Listen to you, I just lost my memory? I just forgot you alone? How can this be?"

Emperor Beibei is also very puzzled. Xiaojiu’s appearance is not like amnesia. After all, I have not heard of anyone who lost her memory so quickly.

He suddenly thought of a little and said: "Do you look inside and see what changes Dantian can make?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I heard that Dantian was hurrying inside, and I saw that Dantian, which was originally like a small hedgehog, had recovered its mellow appearance, but the power of lightning in Dantian was almost completely swallowed by the dog's tail grass.

After listening to the description of Yunchu, Emperor Beibei guessed:

"It may be that the power of lightning and the power of chaos in your dantian cause your memory to be missing. As for why I forgot it, it may be because before you lose six senses, the last person who thinks is me."

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about it. "There is some truth in what you said. Then why do you forget that I have forgotten the things I just lost?"

Emperor Beibei frowned: "Do you remember that when you were in the 3,000 continents, you will forget what happened at that time every time you stimulate your potential?"

(End of this chapter)

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