Chapter 7265 薅 hair

Yun Qian is away from the side and sees the appearance of Yun Yan Tian and Yun Chuan, a pair of grandparents and grandchildren, and sneer in the heart, what will this cloud thousands of squatting besides? !

She didn't believe it. When she waited for the totem, could she still win by the flattering? !

At this time, Yunchu curiously asked: "Grandfather, where is this transmission?"

Yun Yantian smiled and stood up to remove the bookshelf behind him, revealing a common wall that was ordinary.

He took out a piece of jade, which was the jade piece that inspired the secret law. The elders of Tianzhu and others also took out their own jade pieces and merged them together.

At the beginning of the cloud, he stretched his neck and saw that the eight jade pieces were merged together. The back was eight clouds, and the front also formed a cloud, which is the totem pattern of the holy mountain Yunjia.

The four elders of Tianshu injected the sword into it, and the totem above the jade piece was immediately projected onto the wall, and the undulating enchantment appeared slowly on the wall.

At the beginning of the cloud, I said, is this what Yun Yantian said?

It turned out that this transmission array turned out to be in the study room of Yunyantian, and it was no wonder that they had never seen them go out, but they had already taken the totem armor.

Yunyan stepped into the transmission array, indicating that Yunqi and Yunqian left to keep up.

At the beginning of the cloud, I immediately followed up and said, "Grandfather, wait for me, I will help you in!"

Clouds are so detached from the air, flattering!

After entering the transmission array, Yunchu found that the transmission array was similar to her use of the unsuccessful flashing technique. The ear was a whistling wind, and the white light flashed in front of the eyes, making people unable to open their eyes.

After a few hours, a huge suction came from outside, and everyone fell to the ground.

After the cloud started to look around, it was a bit stunned.

She thought that since it was a so-called underground ancestral hall, it should be similar to the ancestral hall of the holy mountain Yunjia.

When I thought of what was falling into her eyes, it was a dark piece. I could only see that they were all gravel under the feet. I wonder if I felt panicked when I landed.

At this time, Yun Yantian and others took out the night light, but the range that can be illuminated is very limited, only to illuminate a few feet around them, and it is very dark.

The beginning of the cloud is quite strange. She remembers that only two nights of lights hanging outside the Yunshan Mountain Gate of the Holy Mountain could make the surroundings look as white. I didn’t expect the lighting range to be reduced so much.

At this time, Yun Yantian seems to be aware that there are some uneasiness in the cloud and the beginning of the cloud, soothing:

"This is the totem of our holy mountain cloud family, so although visibility is limited, there is no danger, you don't have to worry."

At the beginning of the cloud, he said: "Grandfather, you are by my side, I am not afraid at all."

Although Yun Yantian knew that the goods were intentionally said, I still felt that it was very ironic and let her stay with her.

Yun Qian took a look at the beginning of the cloud, no sound.

After a few steps, the cloud began to exclaim.

Yun Yantian was busy asking: "What is wrong with you?"

At the beginning of the cloud, Shake shook his head and said: "Grandfather, nothing, I just stepped on a small stone and almost fell."

Yun Yantian, she was careful, she didn't care too much.

Blackheart nine touched his head, relying on! How did she feel that there was something... licking her hair?

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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