Chapter 7274, you lose

After half an hour, even if the cloud is thousands of miles away, the test is over.

Because the cloud has easily captured more than 70 totem fragments, and the totem fragments of the cloud has more than one hundred.

After Yun Yantian and others arrived, the Yunchu said:

"Grandfather, is this totem shard that has other uses besides opening the totem?

If there are other uses, give me another day, I promise to wipe out the totem pieces in this square! Scribbled roots! One is not left! ”

Yun Qian is a little bit screaming at the side, screaming! You will be stunned! However, it is a dog, a cockroach, and a transporter. It is actually a waste!

Yun Yantian waved his hand: "These totem pieces are good for maintaining the balance here, or don't catch it any more. What are you and talking about?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I said things through it. Of course, in the process of narration, I have to emphasize how clever and wit she is, and I discovered this embarrassment.

The attention of the four people of Yunyantian immediately fell on the pillar of stone. After seeing the above lines, the four men looked at each other and it was so!

When I saw them at the beginning of the cloud, they seemed to know why. They were too busy to ask: "Grandfather, three elders, what is special about this stone pillar?"

The elders of Scorpio explained: "Do you see the above lines? The totems are also drawn with similar lines. Presumably this stone column is not simple."

The luck of this cloud is also very good, even found this stone pillar.

In the end, they have been here several times, but they have never seen such a stone pillar. This should be the so-called chance!

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help but be overjoyed. Hey, this good luck can’t stop it!

This stone pillar may have other uses, or it is better to put it into your pocket.

It’s just that this product is a bit guilty. She tried it before. There is no way to collect the storage ring. Is it because she has to drag it all the time?

After she said her confusion, Yun Yantian did not have any solution. The guess may be because there are any taboos here, so it will be like this.

At this time, Yun Qian suddenly said: "Sister Qian Yi, can you let me try, maybe I can put it into the storage ring.

You can rest assured that even if I can collect it, I will return it to you after the totem. ”

To tell the truth, Yun Yun did not expect Yun Qian to make such a request. Why did Xiao Bailian do this?

Want to win the treasure? Still want to prove that she is stronger than herself?

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about it or agreed. If the cloud is really able to collect the stone column, it will save trouble.

As for what to win the treasure, this cargo is not worried at all. The person who can lie to her baby in this world has not yet been born!

Yun Qian centrifuged the teeth, this stone pillar is obviously not simple, if she can really accept the storage ring, it is her, will not return to the cloud thousands of this waste!

As she thought about it, she walked up to the stone pillar and prepared to put the stone pillar into the storage ring. Then she was horrified to find that the stone pillar slammed into the ground and disappeared.

After a dead silence, the cloud began to cry and pointed at the cloud and said: "Because you are too ugly, so scare the stone column, you pay! You pay!"

The cloud is so far away from your anger, what are your special eyes? Who is ugly in the end? !

(End of this chapter)

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