Chapter 7285 is really water

When I heard the clouds and thousands of miles away, the look of the elders of Tianzhu became a little subtle. Yun Qianyi’s little girl was really right, and the head of Qian’s head was still in the water. It was really water!

But when she is smarter, she should be calm and self-sufficient after she comes out. After all, their four old men are not blind, and what happened in the fog has its own conclusions.

But when she came out, she was indignant and aggressive, and she was much worse than Yun Qianyi’s little girl, both in her temperament and in her mind.

It’s also very smart to see her in the prime time. How did she become so passive when she met Yun Xiaoyi’s little girl?

The thoughts in Yun Yantian’s heart are similar to those of the elders of Tianzhu. If there are no words that have been said before the beginning of the cloud, perhaps Yun Yantian will feel that Yun Qian has suffered a lot of grievances and will definitely announce this round of victory. It’s a cloud.

However, those words that had been said before the beginning of the cloud had made him a preconceived one. Naturally, it was a small family's temper, and I could not help but be disappointed.

He said faintly: "Thousands of Yitoutou have some opportunistic tricks, but they have not framed or forced you, so since she first escorted us out of the foggy area, this round of competition is naturally her victory."

Yun Qian is incredulously watching Yun Yantian, his face can not conceal the grievances and anger: "Grandfather, you, you said she won?"

Yun Yantian sighed: "Thousands of people, I know that you may not think about it for a while, but you have time to think about it, you will want to understand why I will judge this."

Yun Qian’s centrifugation is full of resentment, and it’s good to say, isn’t it because he is biased by the waste? !

In the fog, she has been charged, and the waste is just a few pits. The result tells her that the waste won?

She is not satisfied!

She is about to argue a few more words. The elders of Scorpio said: "Thousands of squatting heads, the owner of the family naturally has his intentions. You have lost a lot of swords today, and hurry to find a place to meditate!"

In the end, the elders of Scorpio still have some high hopes for the cloud, and do not want her to annoy Yunyantian because of anger.

Yun Qian is the best relationship between the elders and the elders of Tianzhu. After hearing his words, he knows that it is not helpful. Some stiff Yun Yantian said: "Grandfather, I know."

Yun Yantian did not say much, knowing that the cloud could not be imagined for a while, and he saw that the sky was late and everyone was resting.

At the beginning of the cloud, it began to arrange for everyone to eat and live, busy like a hardworking bee.

Yun Qian is away from the sidelines, and he hates it, this ass! In addition to conspiracy, you will be greeted!

She comforted herself. This is only two rounds of testing. As long as she is cautious and not fooled, she can reverse the situation.

The clouds and the clouds are separated from each other by the two, and the clouds are separated from the clouds. They are not willing to do so. They say: "I stayed in the middle of the night, and you will stay in the middle of the night."

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help but brush up in front of Yunyantian’s four people, and I didn’t argue with her. I smiled and agreed.

Yunyantian four people saw this scene, and more and more feel that compared with the cloud, the heart of the cloud is much broader.

It was safe in the middle of the night, and it was the turn of the cloud in the middle of the night.

In fact, there is no danger in the land of the totem. Keeping the vigil is just in case.

The cloud squatted around the camp for a few laps, and then sat on the soft collapse, and looked around from time to time.

Suddenly, she heard a slight footstep, could not help but be shocked, looking at the source of the sound, I saw a pair of boots are not rushing toward her "walking" ...

There are urgent things to go out to deal with, and the two chapters that are owed will be filled tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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