Chapter 7290

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw this situation, pushing the car and rushing forward:

"Thousands of younger sisters, why are you so careless? Oh, you have never looked good, I am disfigured now, and I can't see anyone in the future!"

Yun Qian was so angry that she could not kill a black heart with a sword, but she was really afraid of the scars on her face, and she couldn’t take care of the black heart. She took the ointment and put it on her face.

After she had finished the wound on her face, she had already disappeared from the black heart.

At this time, the elders of the Scorpio said: "Thousands of gimmicks, I look at the homeowner and the elders of the Scorpio seem to be in a coma, and I have to be affected by the power of charm.

This cloud is a slap in the face, and I thought of this. ”

Elder Kaiyang said on the side: "Although this method has been damaged, I have to admit that this is a way to speed up. After all, she only needs to resist the charm of the peach blossom to move forward."

Speaking of this, the elders of Kaiyang can't help but have some doubts. Although they can use the sword embryo to resist the charm of the peach blossom, but it should not be so easy, is it because Yun Qianyi is the supreme sword?

Yun Qiang bite his teeth: "Two elders, or else we will do the same? Otherwise, this game will definitely let Yun Qianyi win."

Although the elders of Scorpio and the elders of Kaiyang felt that they were stunned and lost some of them, it was better to go out earlier than to be sinned in the peach trees.

So, the two agreed a little after a little indulging.

After the clouds and the two let the two men stunned the medicinal herbs, they only remembered that she did not have anything like a small cart, so they had to go forward.

At the beginning, it was okay, but as time went on, she had to resist the charm of peach blossoms, and she had to take advantage of the elders of Tianzhu, and some could not bear it.

On several occasions, I almost fell into the illusion, and she had to stop in the safe area.

Her heart is angry and puzzled. Why is that cloud and thousands of yis not affected by these charms?

Really because of her supreme sword embryo? Or what kind of treasure did my grandfather give her? Or does she use the blood to conquer the power of the totem?

After two hours, Black Heart Nine pushed the car out of the peach blossom forest. The goods wiped the sweat on the head and fed the antidote to Yun Yantian and Tianzhu Elder.

The elders of Scorpio opened their eyes and immediately screamed: "You are a little rabbit! You are against you! I dare to shoot at me and my family!"

The elders of Scorpio are not very angry, or they will not even say anything like "Bunny Scorpion".

He did not think that Yunchu had such a great courage, and even stunned him and Yun Yantian.

Although Yun Yantian is not as strong as the elders of the Scorpio, but it is like a water, it is obviously very unpleasant.

At the beginning of the cloud, the ceremony was respectful and respectful. This said:

"Grandfather, elder Scorpio, I know that I am doing too much, but the authority is urgent, I can only do this.

As soon as I ponder, this fascinating force acts on the gods. If you are in a coma, you will naturally not be affected. This is a bold way to come up with such a solution.

Very important things are very good, I am also forced to choose.

Besides, the victory can be won at the least cost. Why do you have to be stupid? Are you both right? ”

There are three chapters, five points.

(End of this chapter)

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