Chapter 7296 has advantages and disadvantages

At the beginning of the cloud, a mark was made on the bluestone slab at the foot, and then walked toward the direction that he thought it was a straight line.

After half an hour, she saw the mark at the foot with amazement.

Is this a ghost hit the wall?

Of course, Yunchu knows that the reason is because of these fogs, because the eyes can't correct the direction, and there is no other reference object, so the instinct will circle.

These fogs are very embarrassing, even more intense than the dense fog around the totem's land, even the night light can only illuminate a very small and small range.

Black heart is full of eyes and eyes, if there is no way to solve these thick fog, I am afraid that even three days and three nights will be no good.

When she was thinking about it, she felt a sharp tingling on the scalp, and there was something licking her hair!

She was busy wearing the totem armor. When she was just wearing it, the helmet was smashed by something, and it made a crisp sound, followed by the sound of something falling.

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at the night light and looked for it on the ground. I found it... a spar.

Was it just this spar lying on his helmet?

When she was in a hurry, there was a rumored voice coming from her body, and even a few spar fell to her eyes.

Although Black Heart Nine has a face of arrogance, it does not delay the receipt of the spar into his storage ring. Don't be white!

The goods said on one side: "Hey, how many points! So little is not enough to stuff your teeth!"

I don't know if I was shocked by the black-faced and shameless behavior. In short, there was no spar on her, and it was surrounded by death.

Originally, the cloud was more and more suspicious of the strangeness of the totem's land. It was the ghost of the bones, but after the previous incident, she completely dispelled this suspicion.

Because, the bones of the trick must be able to do the stupid behavior of using spar!

There are so many different things that Yunchu has experienced in the first few days. I haven’t put any hair on the hair and what kind of boots into the heart. Let’s just say that there is something to make a ghost, and to get it out sooner or later!

She took the night light to collect the spar scattered around, and took the meat to dry and wondered how to solve the problem.

Thinking about it, her eyes lit up, pulling out the broken sword behind her, injecting the sword into it, and immediately flashing the red awn on the broken sword.

It is strange to say that if the red mans that shattered the sword outside could not compare with the night light, but in this fog, the red mans is much larger than the night light.

At the beginning of the cloud, he couldn’t help but swear: "It seems that everything is good or bad, so don't make a conclusion easily."

She walked forward with a broken sword. This time I saw that I didn't see the mark on the bluestone board for half an hour. It seems that this time I didn't circle again.

However, all the way except the blue slate on the ground did not find anything else. Could it be that this totem is empty inside?

At this moment, the cloud saw a pair of boots in a place not far from the beginning. It was a coincidence that the boots she had left outside the totem's land, that is, the boots that appeared in the middle of the night.

The boots are hooked, like a human hook, apparently indicating that the cloud is following it.

At the beginning of the cloud, I blinked and thought about it. I still want to follow up. What is it that is doing something?

The remaining three chapters are updated at seven.

(End of this chapter)

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